UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UT - 160029


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Document Type Date Description
Compliance 12/20/2016 Redacted CAF-BLS True-Up Data, on behalf of Tenino Telephone Company, from Rick Vitzthum. (via web portal)
Compliance 12/19/2016 Redacted CAF ICC Support Filing, on behalf of Toledo Telephone Company, Inc., from Tym Rutkowski. (via web portal)
Compliance 12/19/2016 Access Recover Charge and Connect America Fund, on behalf of Hood Canal Telephone Company, from Richard Buechel. (via web portal)
Compliance 12/19/2016 Redacted CAF ICC Support Filing, on behalf of Westgate Communications, LLC d/b/a WeavTel, from Tym Rutkowski. (via web portal)
Compliance 12/16/2016 Access Recovery Charge and Connect America Fund, on behalf of St. John Telephone, Inc., from Eric Trump. (via web portal)
Compliance 12/16/2016 Redacted CAF data, on behalf of Whidbey Telephone Company, from Frank McIntyre. (via web portal)
Compliance 12/16/2016 Redacted CAF-BLS True-up Data, on behalf of Kalama Telephone Company, from Rick Vitzthum. (via web portal)
Compliance 12/15/2016 Access Recovery Charge and Connect America Fund, on behalf of Pioneer Telephone Company, from Durand Cox. (via web portal)
Compliance 12/14/2016 Connect America Fund and Intercarrier Compensation data, on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, from James K. Brooks. (via web portal)
Compliance 07/01/2016 Urban rate floor certification on behalf of Western Wahkiakum County Telephone Company, from Steven M. Appelo. (scanned & posted)
Compliance 06/30/2016 Local Rate Floor data on behalf of Hood Canal Telephone Co., Inc., from Richard Bruechel. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/15/2016 Local Rate Floor data on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, from James K Brooks. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/29/2016 Local Rate Floor data on behalf of St. John Telephone, Inc., from Eric Trump. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/27/2016 Local Rate Floor data on behalf of Pioneer Telephone Company, from Durand Cox. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/28/2016 Local Rate Floor data on behalf of Skyline Telecom, Inc., from Delina Kluser. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/27/2016 Local Rate Floor data on behalf of Mashell Telecom, Inc., from Danielle Clausen. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/22/2016 Local Rate Floor data on behalf of Tenino Telephone Company, from Rick Vitzthum. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/22/2016 Local Rate Floor data on behalf of Kalama Telephone Company, from Rick Vitzthum. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/16/2016 Redacted Eligibility for CAF ICC funding from June 1. 2016 to June 30, 2017, on behalf of McDaniel Telephone Company from Jeff Jung (via web portal)
Compliance 06/16/2016 Redacted Eligibility for CAF ICC funding from June 1. 2016 to June 30, 2017, on behalf of Lewis River Telephone Company from Jeff Jung (via web portal)
Compliance 06/16/2016 Redacted Eligibility for CAF ICC funding from June 1. 2016 to June 30, 2017, on behalf of Asotin Telephone Company from Jeff Jung (via web portal)
Compliance 06/16/2016 Redacted Eligibility for CAF ICC funding from June 1. 2016 to June 30, 2017, on behalf of Hat Island Telephone Company from Frank McIntyre (via web portal)
Compliance 06/16/2016 Redacted Eligibility for CAF ICC funding from June 1. 2016 to June 30, 2017, on behalf of Whidbey Telephone Company from Frank McIntyre (via web portal)
Compliance 06/16/2016 Annual ARC Filing, on behalf of Frontier Communications, from Kim Douglass. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/15/2016 Redacted Eligibility for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 on behalf of Westgate Communications LLC dba WeavTel, from Eric Votaw. (scanned and posted)
Compliance 06/15/2016 Supplemental data regarding CAF-ICC data in support of the filing previously made on June 14 2016, on behalf of Western Wahkiakum County Telephone Company, from James Rennard. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/15/2016 Supplemental data regarding CAF-ICC data in support of the filing previously made on June 14 2016, on behalf of Skyline Telecom Inc., from James Rennard. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/15/2016 Redacted Eligibility for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 on behalf of Pend Oreille Telephone Company, from Eric Votaw. (scanned and posted)
Compliance 06/15/2016 Redacted Eligibility for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 on behalf of The Toledo Telephone Company Inc., from Eric Votaw. (scanned and posted)
Compliance 06/14/2016 Redacted 2016 CAF-ICC Data Collection Filed with USAC and FCC, for YCOM Networks, d/b/a FairPoint Communications, from Patrick Morse. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/14/2016 Redacted 2016 CAF - ICC Data Collection showing projected eligibility for CAF - ICC Funding that NECA has submitted to the FCC and USAC, on behalf of Ellensburg Telephone Company, d/b/a Fairpoint Communications, from Patrick L. Morse. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/14/2016 Connect America Fund ("CAF") and Intercarrier Compensation ("ICC") data on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, from James K Brooks. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/14/2016 CAF-ICC data on behalf of Skyline Telecom, Inc., from James Rennard. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/14/2016 CAF-ICC data on behalf of Western Wahkiakum County Telephone Company from James Renard. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/14/2016 Redacted Administration of Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement and the projected eligibility for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, on behalf of Mashell Telecom, Inc., from Danielle Clausen. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/13/2016 Connect America Fund (CAF) and Intercarrier Compensation (ICC) data, on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, from James Brooks. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/09/2016 Redacted ARC and CAF Annual Certification, on behalf of Tenino Telephone Company, from Rick Vitzthum. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/09/2016 Redacted ARC and CAF Annual Certification, on behalf of Kalama Telephone Company, Inc., from Rick Vitzthum. (via web portal)
Compliance 06/08/2016 Certification of Eric Trump on behalf of St. John Telephone, Inc. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 6/13/16)
Compliance 06/06/2016 Certification of Richard Buechel, on behalf of Hood Canal Telephone Company. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 6-8-16)
Compliance 06/06/2016 Certification of Durand Cox, on behalf of Pioneer Telephone Co. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 6-9-16)