Order - Final |
12/15/2016 |
Order 06, Final Order Rejecting Tariff Filing
Confidentiality Agreement |
08/08/2016 |
Confidentiality Agreement signed by Christopher M. Casey from Christopher M. Casey
Confidentiality Agreement |
05/05/2016 |
Confidentiality agreement signed by Chris McGuire on behalf of Commission Staff from Krista L. Gross.
Testimony |
02/19/2016 |
**(PART 2 OF 2)** Redacted Testimony and Exhibits on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from David Meyer. (Copied from CD-ROM) (Filings 98-176)
Consolidation Order |
03/07/2016 |
Order 01, Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions and Order of Consolidation.
Notice |
02/26/2016 |
Notice of Appearance on Behalf of Commission Staff from Patrick J. Oshie
Notice |
02/24/2016 |
Notice of Appearance of Simon ffitch and Lisa Gafken, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Simon ffitch. (web portal)(hard copy rec'd 02/25/16)
03/20/2018 |
Motion |
02/19/2016 |
Motion for a Protective Order on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from David Meyer. (COPIED FROM CD-ROM)
Document |
02/19/2016 |
Supporting Documents for Tariff No. WN U-29 on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities. (COPIED FROM CD-ROM)
A) UE-160228, UG-160229__Certificate of Service (AVA-Feb16).doc
48 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 Avista POSAM 12-23-2014.pdf
59 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 10Q 3-31-2014.pdf
700 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 2014 Avista Annual Report (2).PDF
6 MB
UE-160228, UG-160229 FERC Form 1 2014.pdf
31 MB
UE-160228, UG-160229 10K 12-31-2013.pdf
2 MB
UE-160228, UG-160229 10K 12-31-2014.pdf
2 MB
UE-160228, UG-160229 10Q 6-30-2015.pdf
846 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 2015 Avista Proxy (2).pdf
857 KB
A) UE-160228, UG-160229__Cover Letter (AVA-Feb16).docx
58 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 Avista S-4 03-04-2014.pdf
1 MB
UE-160228, UG-160229 FERC Form 2 2014.pdf
20 MB
UE-160228, UG-160229 10Q 3-31-2015.pdf
692 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 Avista S-4A 05-08-2014.pdf
852 KB
A) UE-160228, UG-160229__Certificate of Service (AVA-Feb16).pdf
778 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 AvistaCorporation_1012BA_20150226.pdf
81 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 10Q 9-30-2015.pdf
864 KB
A) UE-160228, UG-160229__Cover Letter (AVA-Feb16).pdf
315 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 2015 Avista Proxy.pdf
857 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 2014 Avista Annual Report.PDF
6 MB
UE-160228, UG-160229 FERC Form 1 2014 - State Supplement.pdf
228 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 10Q 6-30-2014.pdf
1 MB
UE-160228, UG-160229 FERC Form 2 2014 - State Supplement.pdf
373 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 10Q 9-30-2014.pdf
947 KB
UE-160228, UG-160229 AvistaCorporation_S8POS_20150226.pdf
471 KB
Testimony |
02/19/2016 |
**(PART 1 OF 2)** Redacted Testimony and Exhibits on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from David Meyer. (Copied from CD-ROM) (97 out of 176 filings, Cases only allows up to 99 filings per Document Set)
Initial Filing |
02/19/2016 |
Revisions to Tariff No. WN U-29 on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from David Meyer. (copied from CD-ROM)