UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TG - 160233


Document Type Date Description
Open Meeting Memo 05/27/2016 Open Meeting Memo for the 05/27/2016 Open Meeting.
Document 05/19/2016 Supporting document for Replacement Pages submitted on May 19, 2016, on behalf of American Disposal Company, Inc., from Heather Garland. (via email)
Replacement Page 05/19/2016 Replacement pages, on behalf of American Disposal Company, Inc., from Heather Garland. (via email)
Replacement Page 05/18/2016 Replacement pages, on behalf of American Disposal Company, Inc., from Heather Garland. (via email)
Replacement Page 05/16/2016 Replacement pages, on behalf of American Disposal Company, Inc., from Irmgard R. Wilcox. (via email)
Letter 04/29/2016 Letter of extension with new effective date of June 1, 2016, on behalf of American Disposal Company, Inc., from Irmgard R. Wilcox. (via email)
Letter 04/15/2016 Letter of extension (new effective date of May 15, 2016), on behalf of American Disposal Company, Inc., from Irmgard R. Wilcox. (via email)
Order - Final 03/24/2016 Order 01 Order Granting Exemption From Rule.
Document 03/18/2016 Amended Petition for exemption, on behalf of American Disposal, Inc. d/b/a Vashon Disposal, from David W. Wiley. (via web portal) (rec'd hard copy 3-21-16)
Replacement Page 02/24/2016 Replacement page on behalf of American Disposal Co., Inc from Irmgard R Wilcox. (via email)
Petition 02/22/2016 Petition for Exemption from portions of WAC 480-07-520(4), on behalf of American Disposal, Inc. d/b/a Vashon Disposal, from David W. Wiley. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 02/25/16)
Document 02/22/2016 Supporting documents for revised Tariff No. 27, on behalf of American Disposal Company, Inc., from Irmgard R. Wilcox. (via web portal)
Workpapers 02/22/2016 Non-confidential version of work papers, on behalf of American Disposal Company, Inc., from Irmgard R. Wilcox. (via web portal)
Initial Filing 02/22/2016 Non-confidential version of revised Tariff No. 27, on behalf of American Disposal Company, Inc., from Irmgard R. Wilcox. (via web portal)