UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 160357

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UE-160357
Company Avista Corporation
Filing Type Staff Investigation
Industry (Code) Electric (140)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Ball, Jason (UTC)
Filed Date 03/31/2016
Effective Date N/A
Summary Annual filing by Avista Corporation to review and confirm power cost deferrals in the 2015 Energy Recovery Mechanism. In sum, power costs were lower than the 2015 baseline by approximately $17.6 million. This was primarily due to reduced thermal fuel expenses and a reduction in the short-term market power purchase price. This increased the deferral account in the rebate direction by $11.5 million, including $215,000 in interest, to a total of $18.0 million.

Event History

  • 06/23/2016 -- Close (Allowed to become effective per the Consent Agenda)
  • 06/23/2016 -- Open Meeting
  • 03/31/2016 -- Open