UTC Case Docket Orders

Filing TV - 160403

Date File Link Document Type Description File Size
04/21/2016 42521 - Rescind Permit Cancelation.docx Delegated Letter Steven Nava Jr. d/b/a Mover's for the Baby Boomers Letter Rescinding Cancellation of Permit HG-64611. 50,145 KB
04/21/2016 20160421090836272.pdf Delegated Letter Steven Nava Jr. d/b/a Mover's for the Baby Boomers Letter Rescinding Cancellation of Permit HG-64611. 217,318 KB
04/13/2016 42521 - PermitCancelation.docx Order - Cancellation Cancellation of Permit HG-64611 Due to Insufficient Proof of Insurance. 49,859 KB
04/13/2016 42521 - HG-64611 Cancellation.pdf Order - Cancellation Cancellation of Permit HG-64611 Due to Insufficient Proof of Insurance. 273,712 KB