UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UG - 160450


Filter by document type: All | Amendment | Initial Filing | MAIN SERVICE LIST
Document Type Date Description
Amendment 01/13/2020 Redacted Amendment No. 2 to Affiliated Interest Agreement between Avista Corporation, and Steam Plant Square, LLC, to extend lease term, to include parking, and to increase monthly base rent to be more in line with market rates, , on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Jennifer Smith. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 01/14/20)
Amendment 12/14/2016 Redacted Amendment 1 to Affiliated Interest Agreement between Avista Corporation and Steam Plant Square, LLC, from Kelly O. Norwood. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 12/15/16)
MAIN SERVICE LIST 04/27/2016 Main Service List
Initial Filing 04/27/2016 Confidential Affiliated Interest Agreement between Avista Corporation, and Steam Plant Square, LLC, on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Kelly Norwood. (scanned and posted)
Initial Filing 04/27/2016 Redacted Affiliated Interest Agreement between Avista Corporation, and Steam Plant Square, LLC, on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Kelly Norwood. (scanned and posted)