UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TS - 160479


Document Type Date Description
Order - Initial 08/21/2017 Order 03, Initial Order Denying Application
Response 08/03/2017 Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of MEI Northwest LLC, from Daniel Bentson. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 08/04/17)
Brief 04/12/2017 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of MEI Northwest LLC, from Daniel Bentson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 04/13/17)
Brief 04/12/2017 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Arrow Launch Service, Inc., from David Wiley. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 04/13/17)
Brief 04/12/2017 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Pacific Cruise Northwest, Inc., from Judith Endejan. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 04/13/17)
Brief 04/12/2017 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Staff, from Julian Beattie.
Transcript 02/15/2017 Transcript; Volume 4; February 15, 2017; Pages 333-582. (Hard copy rec'd 3/2/17)
Transcript 02/14/2017 Transcript; Volume 3; February 14, 2017; Pages 50 - 332. (Hard copy rec'd 3/2/17)
Transcript 02/15/2017 Transcription Verification; Date: 2/15/2017; Time: 9:01 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.; Expedited: No; Pages: 250. (via email)(scanned & posted) (Billed 3/13/17)
Objection 02/14/2017 Written Objections to Pre-Filed Testimony and Exhibits Sponsored by Randy S. Esch, on behalf of Arrow Launch Service, Inc., from Maggi Gruber. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 02/14/17 and 02/28/17)
Order - Other 02/10/2017 Order 02, Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part MEI's Motion to Strike Portions of the Prefilled Surrebuttal Testimony of Jack Harmon
Document 02/08/2017 Cross Examination Exhibits, on behalf of Arrow Launch Service, Inc., from David Wiley. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 02/09/17)
Response 02/08/2017 Response to MEI Northwest, LLC's Motion to Strike Portions of the Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Jack Harmon Filed January 26, 2017 (Exhibit No. __ (JLH-10T)), on behalf of Arrow Launch Service, Inc., from David Wiley. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 02/09/17)
Document 02/08/2017 Estimate of Time for Cross-Examination, on behalf of Pacific Cruise Northwest, Inc., from Judith Endejan. (via email)(hard copies rec'd 02/10/17)
Document 02/08/2017 Proposed Exhibit List, Cross-Examination Exhibits, and Cross-Examination Time Estimates, on behalf of MEI Northwest, LLC, from Daniel Bentson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 02/09/17)
Document 02/07/2017 Proposed Cross Exhibit List and Proposed Cross Exhibits, on behalf of Staff, from Julian Beattie
Notice 02/02/2017 Notice of Opportunity to Respond to Motion to Strike (Due by 3 p.m., Thursday, February 9, 2017)
Motion 02/01/2017 Motion to Strike Portions of the Prefiled Surrebuttal Testimony of Jack Harmon Filed January 26, 2017 (Exhibit No. __ (JLH-10T)), on behalf of MEI Northwest, LLC, from Daniel Bentson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 02/02/17)
Document 02/01/2017 Notice of Appearance of Mac Brown, on behalf of MEI Northwest, LLC, from Daniel Bentson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 02/02/17)
Notice 01/27/2017 Notice of Appearance of Judy Endejan, on behalf of Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc., from Judith Endejan. (via web portal) (hard copy of pleading ONLY rec'd 01/30/17)
Testimony 01/26/2017 Surrebuttal Testimony of Jack Harmon, on behalf of Arrow Launch Service, Inc., from Maggi Gruber. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 01/27/17)
Transcript 12/23/2016 Transcript; Volume 2; December 23, 2016; Pages 15-49. (Hard copy rec'd 1/11/17)
Transcript 12/23/2016 Transcription Verification; Date: 12/23/16; Time: 9:00 to 10:04 a.m.; Expedited: No; Pages: 35. (Billed 1/23/17)
Notice 01/03/2017 Notice of Post-Hearing Briefing Schedule (Due Wednesday, April 12, 2017, by 3:00 p.m.)
Notice of Hearing 12/29/2016 Notice of Revised Procedural Schedule and Notice of Evidentiary Hearing (Set for February 14-15, 2017, at 9:30 a.m.)
Notice 12/27/2016 Notice Suspending Procedural Schedule
Notice of Hearing 12/20/2016 Notice of Hearing on Procedural Motions (Set for Friday, December 23, 2016, at 9 a.m.)
Response 12/16/2016 Response to Arrow Launch Service, Inc.'s Motion to Strike Portions of the Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Randy S. Esch, on behalf of MEI Northwest, LLC, from Daniel R. Bentson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 12/19/16)
Motion 12/16/2016 Motion to Allow Shipper Support Witness Marc Aikin to Appear Telephonically, on behalf of MEI Northwest, LLC, from Daniel R. Bentson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 12/19/16)
Notice 12/09/2016 Notice of Opportunity to Respond to Motion to Strike (Due by 3:00 p.m., Friday, December 16, 2016)
Motion 12/08/2016 Motion to Strike portions of the pre-filed Rebuttal Testimony of Randy S. Esch, on behalf of Arrow Launch Service, Inc., from David W. Wiley. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 12/12/16)
Testimony 12/07/2016 Cross-Answering Testimony of Drew Schmidt, on behalf of Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc., from Captain Drew Schmidt. (scanned and posted)
Testimony 12/05/2016 Cross-Answering Testimony of Jack Harmon, on behalf of Arrow Launch Service, Inc., from David W. Wiley. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 12/06/16)
Testimony 12/05/2016 Cross-Answering Testimony of Randy S. Esch, on behalf of MEI Northwest, Inc., from Daniel R. Bentson. (via web portal)(hard copy rec'd 12/06/16)
Testimony 12/05/2016 Revised Testimony SS-1T and Exhibit SS-3 of Scott Sevall, on behalf of Staff, from Julian Beattie
Testimony 12/05/2016 Cross-Answering Testimony and Exhibit of Scott Duvall, on behalf of Staff, from Julian Beattie
Comment 11/04/2016 Comments regarding Arrow Launch Service, on behalf of Alaska Tanker Company, LLC., from Captain John D. Merrigan. (scanned & posted)
Testimony 11/02/2016 Testimony and Exhibits of Scott Sevall, on behalf of Staff, from Julian Beattie
Testimony 11/02/2016 Response Testimonies, on behalf of Arrow Launch Services, from David W. Wiley. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 11/02/16)
Document 10/04/2016 Pre-Filed Direct Testimony and Corresponding Exhibits, on behalf of MEI Northwest, LLC, from Daniel R. Bentson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 10/06/16)
Transcript 09/01/2016 Transcript Verification; Date: 9/1/16; Time: 1:32 to 2:06 p.m.; Pages: 14; Expedited: No. (Billed 9/26/16)
Transcript 09/01/2016 Revised Transcript; Volume 1; September 1, 2016; Pages 1-14. (Hard copy rec'd 9/16/16)
Transcript 09/01/2016 Transcript; Volume 1; September 1, 2016; Pages 1-14.
Order - Prehearing Conference 09/02/2016 Order 01; Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Hearing (Set for January 5-6, 2017, at 9:30 a.m.)
Transcript 09/01/2016 Transcript Verification; Date: 9/1/16; Time: 1:30 to 2:15 p.m.; Pages: 13; Expedited: No.
Petition 08/24/2016 Petition to Intervene on behalf of Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc., from Drew Schmidt. (via email)(hard copies rec'd 08/29/16)
Replacement Page 08/17/2016 Replacement Notice of Appearance of David W. Wiley, on behalf of Arrow Launch Service, Inc., from David W. Wiley. (via web portal)
Document 08/16/2016 Notice of Appearance of David W. Wiley, on behalf of Arrow Launch Service, Inc., from David W. Wiley. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 8/18/16)
Document 08/12/2016 Notice of Appearance of Daniel R. Benston, on behalf of MEI Northwest, LLC, from Daniel R. Benston. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 8/15/16)
Notice of Hearing 08/05/2016 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for September 1, 2016, at 1:30 p.m.)
Document 08/04/2016 Notice of Appearance of Julian Beattie, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco
MASTER SERVICE LIST 08/03/2016 Master Service List.
Protest 07/22/2016 Protest of Arrow Launch Service, Inc., from David Wiley. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 07/25/2016)
Document 06/30/2016 Submission of Tariff No. 1 on behalf of MEI Northwest LLC. (scanned & posted)
Notice 06/29/2016 MEI Northwest LLC Notice of Application.
Report 06/09/2016 MEI Northwest LLC Financial Review.
Initial Filing 05/06/2016 MEI Northwest LLC Application for Commercial Ferry Certificate.