UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 161015


Filter by document type: All | Initial Filing | Mail | Notice - Errata | Order - Final
Document Type Date Description
Mail 01/26/2021 Returned mail addressed to Brian Dent, Cascadia Metals, Inc.; PO Box 58218, Renton, WA 98058; which attempted to deliver the Notice of Errata to Order 01, dated January 04, 2021. NOTE: Envelope indicates "return to sender-attempted - not known-unable to forward". (scanned & posted)
Notice - Errata 01/04/2021 Notice of Errata to Order 01.
Order - Final 09/08/2016 Order 01 Order Granting Exemption From Rule.
Initial Filing 08/17/2016 Petition for Exemption from WAC 480-60-0050 regarding Track Clearances, on behalf of Cascadia Metals, Inc., from Brian Dent. (via email) (scanned and posted)