UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 170103


Filter by document type: All | Application | Delegated Letter | Notice | Order - Initial | Transcript
Document Type Date Description
Delegated Letter 04/14/2017 Cheryl Ann Ball d/b/a Acme Moving Labor Letter Granting Temporary Authority, Subject to Conditions, Pending Decision on Permanent Authority and Permit THG-67625 Granting.
Notice 04/14/2017 Cheryl Ann Ball d/b/a Acme Moving Labor Notice of Application.
Order - Initial 04/10/2017 Order 05/01, Initial Order Granting Motion to Consolidate; Approving Settlement Agreement
Transcript 04/03/2017 Transcript Verification; Date: 4/3/2017; Time: 10:00 to 10:45; Pages: 35; Expedited: No. (via email) (scanned & posted)
Application 02/17/2017 Cheryl Ann Ball Application for Household Goods Moving Authority. REDACTED per RCW 42.56.230 Personal Information.