Filing TV - 170170
Date |
File Link |
Document Type |
Description |
File Size |
07/03/2017 |
TV-170170 POS.pdf
Order - Other |
Order 03; Order Amending Order 02 |
21,647 KB |
07/03/2017 |
TV-170170 - Order 03 Amending Order 02.pdf
Order - Other |
Order 03; Order Amending Order 02 |
117,692 KB |
04/26/2017 |
TV-170170 Order 02 -White Mountain Moving.docx
Order - Initial |
Order 02, Classified Company as a household goods company. Penalty of $5,000 with $4,000 suspended for two years, then waived. Providing that the company does not operate as a household goods carrier in Washington state without obtaining a household goods permit from the UTC. |
63,056 KB |
04/26/2017 |
TV-170170 Order 02 -White Mountain Moving.pdf
Order - Initial |
Order 02, Classified Company as a household goods company. Penalty of $5,000 with $4,000 suspended for two years, then waived. Providing that the company does not operate as a household goods carrier in Washington state without obtaining a household goods permit from the UTC. |
91,497 KB |