Filing TG - 170685
Company: RABANCO LTD, Waste Management of Washington, Inc.
DBA: EMERALD CITY DISPOSAL, TRI-COUNTY DISPOSAL, LYNNWOOD DISPOSAL, EASTSIDE DISPOSAL, RABANCO COMPANIES, SEA-TAC DISPOSAL, RABANCO CONNECTIONS, REPUBLIC SERVICES, RABANCO RECYCLING, Waste Management of Ellensburg, Waste Management of Greater Wenatchee, Waste Management of Spokane, Waste Management-Rainier, Waste Management-Northwest, Waste Management-Sno-King, Waste Management of Kennewick, North Cascade Disposal, Recycle America, Rural Skagit Sanitation, Federal Way Disposal, Nick Raffo Garbage, R.S.T. Disposal, Tri-Star Disposal, Western Refuse, Port-O-Let, Stanwood Camano Disposal, Waste Management, Waste Management of Seattle, Waste Management of Skagit County, Waste Management of Yakima, Washington Waste Hauling & Recycling, Brem-Air Disposal, Olson's Sanitation Service, Valley Garbage, Waste Management - South Sound, Waste Management of Addy, WM Healthcare Solutions of Washington, Waste Management - North Sound, Waste Management - Marysville
Filing Type: Application for Transfer
Case Status: Closed
Dates (Opened & Effective): 06/02/2017 & 01/27/2025
Summary: Application for Partial Transfer
Document Type |
Date |
Description |
Letter |
06/08/2017 |
Letter RE the company's official support for the requested transfer, on behalf of Waste Management of Washington, Inc., from Adam Winston. (via web portal)