UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 170803


Filter by document type: All | Application | Delegated Letter | Email | Notice
Document Type Date Description
Notice 08/04/2017 Tetris Moving Company LLC - Notice of Application.
Email 08/04/2017 Email from Mike Dotson to Edward Rayl Re: Notice of Deficient Household Goods Moving Application.
Email 08/04/2017 Email from Edward Rayl to Mike Dotson Re: Notice of Deficient Household Goods Moving Application.
Delegated Letter 08/04/2017 Tetris Moving Company LLC - Letter Granting Temporary Authority, Subject to Conditions, Pending Decision on Permanent Authority and Permit THG-67790 Granting.
Application 07/14/2017 Tetris Moving Company LLC Application for Household Goods Moving Permit. REDACTED per RCW 42.56.230.