Document Type | Date | Description |
Order - Other | 10/10/2017 | Order Approving Fully Negotiated Interconnection Agreement (NOTE: This order was served by the commission on 8/25/17, but was inadvertently not emailed or mailed to the parties. It has been re-served on 10/10/17 with a service date of 8/25/17.) |
Replacement Page | 08/23/2017 | Replacement page of the Order to correct the name of Hamr Communications, LLC, on behalf of Frontier Communications Northwest, Inc., from Linda Saldana. (via web portal) |
Initial Filing | 08/23/2017 | Interconnection Agreement between Frontier Communications Northwest, Inc. and Hamr Communications LLC d/b/a Hamr Communications, from Linda Saldana. (via web portal) |
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