UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UG - 170929


Document Type Date Description
Confidentiality Agreement 06/30/2022 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Joanna Huang, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/29/2019 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Cristina Steward, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/24/2019 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Elaine Jordan, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Confidentiality Agreement 02/21/2019 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Cristina Steward, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Confidentiality Agreement 09/26/2018 Confidentiality Agreement signed by David Gomez, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Letter 08/30/2018 Compliance Letter Approving Supplemental Tariff Sheets.
Letter 08/30/2018 Letter to Commission re Cascade compliance filing from Christopher M. Casey
Letter 08/29/2018 Compliance Acknowledgement Letter re WEAF Status Report.
Compliance 08/24/2018 Tariff Sheets filed in Compliance with Order No. 06, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 09/05/18)
Letter 08/23/2018 Letter regarding Compliance Filing, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell.
Report 08/13/2018 Washington Energy Assistance Fund Benefit Calculation Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via web portal)
Workpapers 08/10/2018 Redacted Workpapers, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via web portal)
Order - Other 08/07/2018 Order 08, Denying Staff's Motion for Clarification of Order 06
Motion 08/03/2018 Motion for Clarification, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson. (hard copies rec'd 08/03/18)
Letter 07/31/2018 Compliance acknowledgement letter to Cascade Natural Gas Corporation.
Order - Other 07/31/2018 Order 07 - Granting Motion for Clarification of Order 06
Response 07/31/2018 Response to Cascade's Motion for Clarification, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Letter 07/31/2018 Letter regarding Compliance Filing, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Motion 07/30/2018 Motion for Clarification of Order 06, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd)
Replacement Page 07/27/2018 Replacement Pages to the compliance filing, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via web portal)
Compliance 07/25/2018 Tariff Sheets filed in Compliance with Order No. 06, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via web portal)
Order - Final 07/20/2018 Order 06, Final Order Rejecting Tariff Sheets; Resolving Contested Issue; Approving and Adopting Settlement Agreement; and Authorizing and Requiring Compliance Filing
Comment 06/27/2018 Public Comments, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken (via web portal)
Transcript 06/20/2018 Transcript; Volume 5; June 20, 2018; Pages 26-144. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 7/3/18)
Document 06/20/2018 Transcript Verification; Date: 6/20/18; Time: 9:00 - 11:30 am; Expedited: Yes; Due: Wednesday, June 27th; Number of Pages: 110. (via email) (Billed 7/13/18)
Document 06/15/2018 Revised Proposed Cross-Examination Exhibit MPP-15Xr and Exhibits List, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 06/18/18)
Document 06/06/2018 Cross Examination Exhibits for Melissa Cheesman, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 6/6/2018)
Letter 06/06/2018 Letter RE: Cross-Examination Exhibits, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Chad Stokes. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 06/07/18)
Document 06/06/2018 Proposed Cross-Examination Exhibits and Exhibit List, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal)
Stipulation 05/18/2018 Partial Joint Settlement Agreement and Joint Testimony in Support of Settlement, on behalf of the Parties, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Notice of Hearing 04/30/2018 Notice Revising Procedural Schedule; Notice Of Hearing (Set For June 20, 2018, at 9 a.m.)
Letter 04/27/2018 Letter re Partial Settlement in Principle, on behalf of the Parties, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Document 04/19/2018 Transcript Verification; Date: 4/4/18; Time: 5:54 - 6:14 pm; Expedited: No; Number of Pages: 9. (via email)(scanned & posted) (Billed 4/30/18)
Transcript 04/18/2018 Transcript; Volume 4; April 4, 2018; Pages 603.-642. (Hard copy rec'd 4/20/18)
Email 03/27/2018 Transcript Verification; Date: 3/27/18; Time: 6:00 - 6:36 pm; Expedited: No; Number of Pages: 4. (via email) (Billed 4/23/18)
Response 04/11/2018 Reply to Parties Responses to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 04/11/18)
Document 04/09/2018 April 4, 2018 Public Meeting Sign-In Sheet. (scanned & posted)
Transcript 03/27/2018 Transcript; Volume 3; March 27, 2018; Pages 12 - 16. (Hard copy rec'd 4/9/18)
Document 04/03/2018 Request to update master service list, on behalf of Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities, from Chad Stokes. (via web portal)
Testimony 03/23/2018 Cross-Answering Testimony of Shawn Collins, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/26/18)
Confidentiality Agreement 03/28/2018 Confidentiality Agreement of Nina Suetake, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/29/18)
Notice 03/28/2018 Notice of Appearance of Nina Suetake, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/29/18)
Testimony 03/28/2018 Redacted Replacement Testimony of Brian Robertson, J. Stephen Gaske and Ron Amen, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/29/18)
Document 03/20/2018 Transcript Verification; Date: 3/20/18; Time: 6:00 - 6:22 pm; Expedited: No; Number of Pages: 4. (via email) (Billed 4-9-18)
Transcript 03/20/2018 Transcript; Volume 2; March 20, 2018; Pages 9-12. (via email) (scanned & posted) (hard copy rec'd 4/2/18)
Workpapers 03/26/2018 Redacted Workpapers of Corey Dahl and Donna Ramas, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/27/18)
Testimony 03/23/2018 Redacted Rebuttal Testimony of Nicole Kivisto, Mark Chiles, Michael Parvinen, Tammy Nygard, Brian Robertson, Jennifer Gross, J. Stephen Gaske, Linda Murray, Donna Genora and Ron Amen, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/26/18)
Comment 03/23/2018 Comments on Cascade's Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd (03/26/18)
Testimony 03/23/2018 Redacted Cross-Answering Testimony and Exhibits of Donna Ramas and Corey Dahl, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/26/18)
Testimony 03/23/2018 Cross-Answering Testimony of Bradley Mullins and Updated Revenue Requirement Calculations, on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users, from Chad Stokes. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/26/18)
Testimony 03/23/2018 Cross Answering Testimony and Exhibits of Betty A. Erdahl, Melissa C. Cheesman and Jennifer E. Snyder, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Response 03/23/2018 Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Testimony 03/22/2018 Redacted Revised Testimony JL-1CTr, and Exhibit JL-9Cr, of Jing Liu, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Response 03/15/2018 Second Supplemental Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/23/18)
Order - Other 03/09/2018 Order 05, Granting Staff's Motion Requesting Opportunity to Respond to Bench Request No. 1
Order - Other 03/09/2018 Order 04, Granting Staff's Motion for Leave to File Revised Testimony and Exhibits
Response 03/07/2018 Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/08/18)
Document 03/06/2018 Joint Issues List, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/07/18)
Notice 03/05/2018 Notice of Shortened Time to Respond to Staff's Motion (by Wednesday, March 7, 2018)
Motion 03/02/2018 Request to File Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell.
Testimony 02/22/2018 Motion for Leave to File Revised Testimony, Revised Testimony and Exhibits of Betty A. Erdahl, Kristen M. Hillstead and David J. Panco, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Confidentiality Agreement 02/20/2018 Confidentiality Agreement for Luther Caulkins, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Luther Caulkins. (via web portal)
Testimony 02/15/2018 Response Testimony of Bradley Mullins, on behalf of The Northwest Industrial Gas Users, from Tommy Brooks. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/16/18)
Testimony 02/15/2018 Response Testimony and Exhibits of Carla Colamonici and Donna Ramas, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/16/18)
Testimony 02/15/2018 REDACTED Testimony and Exhibits of Betty Erdahl, Melissa Cheesman, Kristen Hillstead, David Panco, David Parcell, Jennifer Snyder, Amy White, and Jing Liu, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell. (hard copies rec'd 02/15/18)
Testimony 02/15/2018 Response Testimony of Shawn Collins, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/16/18)
Confidentiality Agreement 02/13/2018 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jason Ball, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Confidentiality Agreement 02/06/2018 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jennifer Snyder, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Notice of Hearing 02/02/2018 Notice of Public Comment Hearings (Set for Tuesday, March 20, 2018, at 6 p.m. - Bremerton; Tuesday, March 27, 2018, at 6 p.m. - Kelso; and Wednesday, April 4, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. - Kennewick)
Response 01/29/2018 Supplemental Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/09/18)
Report 01/29/2018 Final Report on Cascade Natural Gas Corporation's Notice to Customers, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 01/30/18)
Letter 01/29/2018 Letter RE: A request to make changes to the Master Service List, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 01/30/18)
Compliance 01/29/2018 Customer Notice of the general rate case, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via web portal)
Letter 01/25/2018 Letter RE: Supplemental Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 01/29/18)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/24/2018 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Joe Subsits and Dennis Ritter, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Confidentiality Agreement 01/17/2018 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Andrew Roberts, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell.
Response 01/12/2018 Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via email)
Notice 01/03/2018 Notice of Bench Request (Due by Friday, January 12, 2018, at 3 p.m.)
Notice 01/03/2018 Notice of Substitution of Presiding Officer
Document 12/22/2017 Issues List, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 01/02/18)
Notice 12/20/2017 Notice of Substitution of Representative, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 12/21/17)
Confidentiality Agreement 12/18/2017 Confidentiality Agreement of Bradley Mullins, on behalf of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users, from Tommy Brooks. (via web portal)
Document 12/08/2017 Report on Cascade Natural Gas Corporation' Notice to Customers on General Rate Case and Proposed Rate Changes, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Armikka Bryant. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 12/11/17)
Document 11/20/2017 Notice of Appearance of Jeff Roberson, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco
Confidentiality Agreement 11/20/2017 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jeff Roberson, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco
Confidentiality Agreement 10/31/2017 Confidentiality Agreement for Donna Ramas, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Sarah Laycock. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 11-01-17)
Confidentiality Agreement 10/31/2017 Confidentiality Agreement signed by David C. Parcell, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell
Confidentiality Agreement 10/25/2017 Confidentiality Agreements for Tommy A. Brooks, and Chad M. Stokes, on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users, from Tommy Brooks. (via web portal)
Transcript 10/09/2017 Transcript; Volume 1; October 9, 2017; Pages 1-8. (scanned & posted) (hard copy rec'd 10/23/17).
Confidentiality Agreement 10/12/2017 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Elizabeth O'Connell, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell. (hard copies rec'd 10/12/17)
Order - Prehearing Conference 10/10/2017 Order 03; Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Hearing (Set for May 15-17, 2018)
Confidentiality Agreement 10/10/2017 Confidentiality Agreement of Shawn Collins, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal)
Document 10/09/2017 Transcript Verification; Date: 10/9/17; Time: 10:00 - 10:06 am; Expedited: No; Number of Pages: 10. (via email) (Billed 10/31/17)
Confidentiality Agreement 09/27/2017 Confidentiality Agreement of Sarah Laycock, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Sarah Laycock. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement 09/26/2017 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Melissa Cheesman, on behalf of Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell. (hard copies rec'd 9/26/17)
Confidentiality Agreement 09/26/2017 Confidentiality Agreements of Armikka Bryant, Lisa Gafken, Carla Colamonici, Corey Dahl, and Chanda Mak, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Chanda Mak. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement 09/25/2017 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Andrew J. O’Connell, Mark Vasconi, David Panco, Chris McGuire, Betty Erdahl, Amy White, Deborah Reynolds, E. Cooper Wright, Jing Liu, Thomas Schooley and Kristen Hillstead on behalf of Commission Staff, from Andrew J. O'Connell. (hard copies rec'd 9/25/17)
Confidentiality Agreement 09/21/2017 Confidentiality Agreement of Simon ffitch, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal)
Notice of Hearing 09/18/2017 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for October 9, 2017, 10 a.m.)
Order - Protective 09/14/2017 Order 02; Protective Order
Order - Complaint 09/14/2017 Order 01; Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions
Petition 09/12/2017 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal)
Notice 09/11/2017 Notice of Appearance of Andrew J. O'Connell, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco.
Notice 09/06/2017 Notice of Appearance of Lisa Gafken and Armikka Bryant, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken and Armikka Bryant. (via web portal)
Notice 09/05/2017 Notice of Appearance of Simon ffitch, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal)
Petition 09/01/2017 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users, from Tommy Brooks. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 09/25/17)
Notice 09/01/2017 Notice of Appearance of Chad Stokes and Tommy Brooks, on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users, from Tommy Brooks. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 09/25/17)
Motion 08/31/2017 Motion for Standard Protective Order, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 09/12/17)
Notice 08/31/2017 Notice of Appearance of Lisa Rackner and Jocelyn Pease, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 09/12/17)
Workpapers 08/31/2017 Redacted Workpapers RE: Initial Filing, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen.
Testimony 08/31/2017 Redacted Testimony of Nicole A. Kivisto, J. Stephen Gaske, Jennifer G. Gross, Michael P. Parvinen, Ronal J. Amen, Tammy J. Nygard, Brian Robertson, Eric Martuscelli, Ryan Privratsky, and Maryalice C. Rosales, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen.
Initial Filing 08/31/2017 Revises Tariff WN U-3, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen.