UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 180236


Document Type Date Description
Letter 03/19/2019 Collection letter sent to Laron Williams All Star Transfer, Inc., from Sally Brown
Order - Other 11/08/2018 Order 01 Imposing Penalties, Default Order.
Exhibit 11/05/2018 Exhibit List
Letter 10/26/2018 Letter regarding hearing date, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski
Transcript 09/25/2018 Transcript; Volume 1; September 25, 2018; Pages 1-40. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 10/17/18)
Notice 10/05/2018 Notice of Opportunity for Hearing and Notice Concerning Date for Entry of Initial Order.
Email 10/04/2018 Email chains between Laron Williams and Commission Staff Counsel, Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco.
Transcript 09/25/2018 Transcript Verification; Date: 9/25/18; Time: 1:30 - 2:30 pm; Pages: 40; Expedited: No. (via email) (billed 11-7-18)
Document 09/18/2018 Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Report 08/22/2018 Investigation Report
Notice of Hearing 08/22/2018 Complaint for Penalties; Notice of Brief Adjudicative Proceeding (Set for September 25, 2018, at 1:30 p.m.)