UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UE - 180502


Filter by document type: All | Initial Filing | Letter | Replacement Page | Workpapers
Document Type Date Description
Letter 11/29/2018 Compliance Acknowledgement Letter re 2017 EEI Report.
Letter 11/15/2018 Company compliance with annual energy emissions intensity reporting requirements pursuant to WAC 480-109-300.
Workpapers 11/06/2018 Workpapers for 2017 Energy And Emissions Intensity Metrics Report, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company, from Etta Lockey. (via web portal)
Replacement Page 11/06/2018 Replacement pages, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company, from Etta Lockey. (via web portal)
Workpapers 06/01/2018 Work papers for 2017 Energy And Emissions Intensity Metrics Report, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company, from Etta Lockey. (via web portal)
Initial Filing 06/01/2018 Redacted 2017 Energy And Emissions Intensity Metrics Report, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company, from Etta Lockey. (via web portal)