Filing UT - 180771
Company: 321 Communications, Inc., Airnex Communications, Inc., Axxis Communications, Inc., CATTCOMM LLC, Cbeyond Communications, LLC, CereTel Incorporated, ComSpan Communications, Inc., Convergence Technologies, Inc., Desert Winds Wireless LLC, Fatbeam, LLC, Fiber Connect Washington, LLC, G3 Telecom USA, Inc., Global Grid Telecom, Inc., Hamr Communications LLC, InTTec, Inc., Lattice Incorporated, Modus Networks, LLC, Nexus Communications, Inc., North County Communications Corporation, Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., Talk America Services, LLC, Tanager Telecommunications, LLC, TELEXFREE, LLC, Teltrust Corporation, Tenkal Company, TNCI Operating Company LLC, Toly Digital Networks, Inc., USA Digital Communications, Inc., Vitcom, LLC, Voyant Communications, LLC, WA-CLEC LLC, Washington Telco, LLC, WDT World Discount Telecommunications Co.
Filing Type: Staff Investigation
Case Status: Pending
Dates (Opened & Effective): 09/13/2018 & 01/10/2025
Summary: Notice of Intent to Revoke Competitively Classified Telecommunications Company Registration for Failure to File an Annual Report and/or Pay Regulatory Fees and Opportunity to Request a Hearing.