UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 180854


Document Type Date Description
Document 05/02/2019 Statement of Account noting payment of $11,000.00, payment in full. (scanned & posted)
Order - Initial 04/01/2019 Order 02, Initial Order Approving Settlement Agreement; Notice Canceling Hearing
Stipulation 03/29/2019 Settlement Agreement and supporting Joint Narrative, on behalf of the Parties, from Joe Dallas
Notice 03/22/2019 Notice Suspending Procedural Schedule and Notice Requiring Filing of Settlement Agreement (By March 29, 2019)
Letter 03/22/2019 Letter regarding settlement in principle, on behalf of the parties, from Joe Dallas.
Transcript 01/08/2019 Transcript; Volume 1; January 8, 2019; Pages 1-8. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 1/22/19)
Order - Other 01/09/2019 Order 01 Prehearing Conference order; Notice of Hearing (Set for April 9, 2019 at 9 a.m.).
Document 01/08/2019 Transcript Verification; Date: 1/8/19; Time: 9:27-9:33 am; Pages: 8; Expedited: No. (scanned & posted) (Billed 01/30/19)
Notice 01/07/2019 Notice of Appearance of Robert Bylsma, on behalf of Union Pacific Railroad Company, from Angela Hershey. (via web portal)
Document 01/02/2019 Notice of Appearance of Harry Fukano, on behalf of Staff, from Harry Fukano.
Document 11/21/2018 Notice of Appearance of Joe M. Dallas, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco.
Report 11/19/2018 Staff investigation report.
Complaint 11/19/2018 Complaint; and Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for January 8, 2018, at 9:30 a.m.)