UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TC - 180943


Document Type Date Description
Certificate 01/11/2019 Jake Sharpe d/b/a North Cascades Nursery; Jake's Hiway 2 Sports - Certificate CH-68566.
Order - Final 12/28/2018 Order 01 Order Granting Forbearance From Rate and Service Regulation as an Auto Transportation Company and Exemption From Rule.
Replacement Page 11/21/2018 Jake Sharpe - North Cascades Nursery; Jake's Hiway 2 Sports - Support Statements.
Notice 11/21/2018 Jake Sharpe d/b/a North Cascades Nursery; Jake's Hiway 2 Sports - REVISED Notice of Application.
Notice 11/21/2018 Jake Sharpe d/b/a North Cascades Nursery; Jake's Hiway 2 Sports - Notice of Application.
MASTER SERVICE LIST 11/16/2018 180943-Master Service List.
Application 11/16/2018 Jake Sharpe - North Cascades Nursery - Application for Auto Transportation Authority with Forbearance from Rate and Service Regulation as an Auto Transportation Company Under RCW 81-68-015 and Exemption from Application Requirements Under WAC 480-30-256 through 436 and WAC 480-30-096(3)(c), (d), (f), and (g).