UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UG - 181053


Document Type Date Description
Compliance 07/14/2023 Environmental Cost Recovery Mechanism Annual Tariff Adjustment Filing and 2022 Annual Report, on behalf of Northwest Natural, from Kyle Walker. (via mail) Staff reviewed this report and finds that it complies with the Commission’s final order in this docket.
Notice 02/07/2023 Notice of Substitution of Counsel, on behalf of The Energy Project (TEP), from Yochanan Zakai. (via web portal)
Letter - Compliance Acknowledgment 09/10/2021 Compliance Acknowledgment Letter re GREAT Action Plan and 2020 Conservation Report.
Letter - Staff Compliance Response 08/17/2021 Letter from staff confirming Northwest Natural's compliance with Order 06 and Order 07 to present an action plan to improve the Gas Residential Energy Assistance Tariff (GREAT) program.
Letter - Staff Compliance Response 07/02/2021 Letter from staff confirming the Company's compliance with Order 06 of docket 181053.
Plan 04/01/2021 Gas Residential Energy Assistance Tariff Advisory Group Action Plan, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Rebecca Brown. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement 02/01/2021 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Sebastian Coppola, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Chanda Mak.
Letter 11/06/2020 Compliance Acknowledgment Letter re ECRM Filing.
Letter 10/29/2020 Letter acknowledging staff's review of July 15, 2020 filing for the environmental cost recovery mechanism as required in Order 06 which will be effective November 1, 2020.
Order - Final 06/25/2020 Order 07, Granting Petition and Approving Extension for Low-Income Rate Assistance Program Compliance Filing.
Letter 06/12/2020 Request to Extend Compliance Deadline, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Natasha Siores. (via web portal)
Letter 10/30/2019 Compliance Acknowledgement Letter Approving Revised Tariff Filing.
Letter 10/30/2019 Compliance letter accepting the required tariff sheet changes and the new tariff schedule.
Workpapers 10/28/2019 Workpapers, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Natasha Siores. (via web portal)
Compliance 10/25/2019 Compliance Filing, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Natasha Siores. (via web portal)
Testimony - Errata 10/22/2019 Erratum to Order 06.
Order - Final 10/21/2019 Order 06 Final Order Rejecting Tariff Sheets; Approving and Adopting Joint Settlement Agreement; Rejecting Partial Multiparty Settlement Agreement on Decoupling; and Authorizing and Requiring Compliance Filing
Letter 10/15/2019 No Objection to the Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jim Woodward, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Eric Nelsen. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 10-16-19)
Confidentiality Agreement 10/15/2019 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jim Woodward, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Brief 09/12/2019 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 9/13/19)
Brief 09/12/2019 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Public Counsel., from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 9/13/19)
Brief 09/12/2019 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Commission Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Exhibit 09/03/2019 Exhibits and Exhibit List. (Redacted)
Transcript 08/14/2019 Transcript; Volume 3; August 14, 2019; Pages 20-127. (via email) (hard copies rec'd 9/4/19)
Document 08/20/2019 Transcript Verification; Date: 08-14-19; Time: 9:00-11:50 am; Pages: 110; Expedited: No. (via email) (Billed 09/09/2019)
Document 08/15/2019 Public Comment Exhibit BR-4, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 8/16/19)
Workpapers 08/13/2019 Revised Workpapers, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal)
Testimony 08/13/2019 Revised Rebuttal Testimony of Kyle Walker, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal)
Motion 08/13/2019 Motion for Leave to Make an Errata Filing, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal)
Letter 08/07/2019 Notice of No Reserved Time for Cross-Examination and No Cross-Examination Exhibits, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Chad Stokes, (via web portal).
Document 08/07/2019 Proposed Cross Examination Exhibit List and Exhibits of Scott Rubin, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 08-08-19)
Document 08/07/2019 Proposed Exhibit List, on behalf of Public Council from Nina Suetake. (via web portal)
Document 07/31/2019 Transcript Verification; Date: 07-16-19; Time: 6:00-6:34 pm; Pages: 7; Expedited: No. (via email) (Billed 08/14/19)
Transcript 07/16/2019 Transcript; Volume 2; July 16, 2019; Pages 12-19. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 8/8/19)
Confidentiality Agreement 07/24/2019 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Kevin Burdet, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Chanda Mak. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 07/25/19)
Testimony 07/23/2019 Revised Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibit JL-10r of Jing Liu, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Response 07/22/2019 Response to Bench Request No. 3, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Eric Nelsen. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 7-23-19)
Response 07/18/2019 Response to Bench Request No. 2, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Zachary Kravitz. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 07-19-19)
Testimony 07/18/2019 Rebuttal Testimony of Kyle Walker in Support of Partial Multi-Party Settlement Agreement on Decoupling, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 07/19/19)
Testimony 07/18/2019 Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Jing Liu, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Notice 07/12/2019 Notice of Bench Request (Due by Monday, July 22, 2019, at 5 p.m.)
Notice 07/08/2019 Notice of Bench Request (Due by Thursday, July 18, 2019, at 5 p.m.
Testimony 07/03/2019 Response Testimony of Scott Rubin, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 7/5/19)
Workpapers 07/03/2019 Workpapers of Witness Scott Rubin, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 7/5/19)
Notice 06/19/2019 Notice of Advisor to the Commissioners and Opportunity to File Objections (Due by Wednesday, June 26, 2019)
Testimony 06/06/2019 Joint Testimony in Support of the Partial Multi-Party Settlement Agreement on Decoupling and Staff's Testimony of Jing Liu, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 06/07/19)
Testimony 06/06/2019 Joint Testimony in Support of the All-Party Joint Settlement Agreement, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 06/07/19)
Letter 05/24/2019 Customer Notice, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Natasha Siores. (via web portal)
Agreement 05/23/2019 Joint Settlement Agreement, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 05/24/19)
Document 05/23/2019 Partial Multi-Party Settlement Agreement on Decoupling, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 05/24/19)
Notice of Hearing 05/23/2019 Notice of Public Comment Hearing (Set for Tuesday, July 16, 2019, at 6 p.m.)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/22/2019 Confidentiality Agreement signed by William (Tom) Mozingo, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 05-23-19)
Testimony - Errata 05/17/2019 Errata to Order 05.
Order - Other 05/16/2019 Order 05 Granting Motion to Modify Procedural Schedule (Settlement and Evidentiary Hearing Rescheduled for August 14, 2019)
Motion 05/16/2019 Motion to Modify the Procedural Schedule, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/07/2019 Highly Confidential and Confidential Agreements of Scott Rubin, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 05/08/19)
Workpapers 04/15/2019 Redacted Workpapers, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Zachary Kravitz. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 04/17/19
Response 04/15/2019 Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Zachary Kravitz. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 04/17/19)
Notice 04/12/2019 Notice of New Location for Hearing.
Notice 04/08/2019 Notice of Bench Request (Due by Thursday, April 18, 2019, at 5 p.m.)
Confidentiality Agreement 03/27/2019 Highly Confidential Agreement of Donna Ramas, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 03/28/2019)
Confidentiality Agreement 03/20/2019 Highly Confidential Agreement of J. Randall Woolridge and Glenn Watkins, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/21/19)
Confidentiality Agreement 03/20/2019 Highly Confidential Agreement, signed by David C. Parcell, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Order - Other 03/19/2019 Order 04 Granting Motion to Amend Order 02.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/19/2019 Confidentiality Agreement signed by David C. Parcell, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/18/2019 Confidentiality Agreement of Shawn Collins, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/19/19)
Motion 03/15/2019 Motion for Amended Protective Order requesting Highly Confidential provisions, on behalf of NW Natural Gas Company from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal) (hardcopies rec'd 03-18-19)
Confidentiality Agreement 02/25/2019 Confidentiality Agreement of Donna Ramas, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Luther Caulkins. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 2/26/19)
Replacement Page 02/20/2019 Revised Exhibit BJW-4r, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Corporation, from Zachary Kravitz. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 12/21/19)
Confidentiality Agreement 02/14/2019 Confidentiality Agreement of Glenn Watkins, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Luther Caulkins. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/15/19)
Confidentiality Agreement 02/12/2019 Confidentiality Agreements of Bente Villadsen, Ron Amen and Andrew Middleton, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Zachary Kravitz. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/13/19)
Confidentiality Agreement 02/06/2019 Confidentiality Agreements of Lisa Rackner, Shoshana Baird and Eric Nelsen, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/07/19)
Transcript 02/01/2019 Transcript; Volume 1; January 24, 2019; Pages 1-11 (via email) (hard copy rec'd 2/7/19)
Confidentiality Agreement 02/05/2019 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Andrew Rector, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Replacement Page 01/31/2019 Revised Notice of Appearance of Eric Nelsen, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/31/2019 Confidentiality Agreement of Dr. J. Randall Woolridge, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Chandra Mak. (via web portal)
Notice 01/29/2019 Notice of Appearance of Eric Nelsen, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Jocelyn Pease. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 01/30/19)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/25/2019 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Elizabeth O'Connell, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Order - Prehearing Conference 01/25/2019 Order 03 Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Hearing (Evidentiary Hearing set for August 14-15, 2019, at 9:00 a.m.)
Document 01/24/2019 Transcript Verification; Date: 1-24-19; Time: 1:30-1:40 pm; Pages: 10; Expedited: No. (via email) (Billed 2-13-19)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/24/2019 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski
Confidentiality Agreement 01/23/2019 Confidentiality Agreement of Simon ffitch, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Simon ffitch. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/13/19)
Notice of Hearing 01/23/2019 Notice Rescheduling Prehearing Conference (Now set for Thursday, January 24, 2019, at 1:30 p.m.
Letter 01/17/2019 Request to move the Prehearing Conference date to January 24, 2019, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 1/18/19)
Petition 01/17/2019 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Carol Baker. (via web portal)
Notice 01/17/2019 Notice of Appearance of Simon ffitch, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Carol Baker. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/15/2019 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Chad Stokes, Tommy Brooks, and Brad Mullins, on behalf of Alliance of Western Entergy Consumers, from Chad Stokes. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 01/25/19)
Notice of Hearing 01/11/2019 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for January 25, 2019, at 1:30 p.m)
Confidentiality Agreement 01/10/2019 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Deborah Reynolds, Aimee Higby, Melissa Cheesman, Cristina Steward, Chris McGuire, Jason Ball, Betty Erdahl, Jennifer Snyder, Joanna Huang, Elaine Jordan, Jing Liu, Kristen Hillstead, Amy White and Mark Vasconi, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski
Confidentiality Agreement 01/09/2019 Confidentiality Agreements of Lisa Gafken, Nina Suetake, Carla Colamonici, Luther Caulkins, Corey Dahl, Sarah Laycock and Chanda Mak, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal)
Document 01/08/2019 Notice of Appearance for Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Order - Protective 01/08/2019 Order 02 Protective Order
Order - Other 01/08/2019 Order 01 Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions
Workpapers 01/07/2019 Redacted Workpapers, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Zachary Kravitz. (via web portal) (media - hard copies rec'd 01/08/19)
Notice 01/03/2019 Notice of Appearance of Lisa Gafken and Nina Suetake,on Behalf of Public Counsel, from Nina Suetake. (via web portal)
Notice 01/02/2019 Notice of Appearance of Chad Stokes and Tommy Brooks, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Chad Stokes. (via web portal)
Petition 01/02/2019 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Chad Stokes. (via web portal)
Motion 12/31/2018 Motion for Standard Protective Order (Expedited Treatment Requested), on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Jocelyn Pease. (hard copy rec'd 01/02/19)
Notice 12/31/2018 Notice of Appearance of Lisa Rackner and Jocelyn Pease, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Lisa Rackner. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 01/02/19)
Testimony 12/31/2018 Redacted Testimony, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Zachary Kravitz. (via web portal) (Exhibits ZDK-1CT and ZDK-2C are no longer considered confidential per letter submitted on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company from Zachary Kravitz on April 22, 2019.)
Initial Filing 12/31/2018 Revises Tariff WN U-6, on behalf of Northwest Natural Gas Company, from Zachary Kravitz. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 1-2-19)