Docket Number | UW-190436 |
Advice | |
Company | Silver Lake Water Company, Inc. |
DBA | |
Filing Type | Petition |
Industry (Code) | Water (160) |
Status | Closed |
Lead Staff | Ward, Jim (UTC) |
Filed Date | 05/29/2019 |
Effective Date | N/A |
Summary | Petition for de-regulation of Silver Lake Water Company, Inc. In 2017, the company sold its assets to Northwest Water Services, LLC in a joint sale and transfer application (UW-171117). Silver Lake Water Company, Inc., is now seeking to be removed from regulation and cancel its former tariff WN U-2. Northwest Water Services, LLC, filed tariff updates to the company's service area and rate page reflecting the addition of Silver Lake water system serving 216 customers near Oak Harbor in Island County. |
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