Date | File Link | Document Type | Description | File Size |
08/19/2019 | TG-190469 POS.pdf | Order - Other | Order 01, Order Granting Mitigation to $500; Imposing and Suspending Penalty. | 29,525 KB |
08/19/2019 | TG-190469 - Order Granting Mitigation - Lamb's Disposal.pdf | Order - Other | Order 01, Order Granting Mitigation to $500; Imposing and Suspending Penalty. | 250,912 KB |
07/02/2019 | TG-190469-POS.pdf | Penalty Assessment | TG-190469 - Penalty Assessment - violations of Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 480-70-201, Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements. | 29,833 KB |
07/02/2019 | TG-190469 - Notice of Penalties - Lambs Disposal Final.pdf | Penalty Assessment | TG-190469 - Penalty Assessment - violations of Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 480-70-201, Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements. | 260,702 KB |
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