Document Type | Date | Description |
Order - Final | 07/26/2019 | Order Authorizing Revenue Sharing for Recyclable Commodities Revenue; Allowing Recyclable Commodity Credit Adjustment; Granting Exemption from Rule. |
Replacement Page | 07/18/2019 | Replacement Pages, on behalf of Fiorito Enterprises, Inc. & Rabanco Companies d/b/a Kent-Meridian Disposal Company, Republic Services of Kent and Allied Waste Services of Kent, from Rick Waldren. (via web portal) |
Agreement | 07/15/2019 | King County agreement. |
Workpapers | 06/14/2019 | Workpapers, on behalf of Fiorito Enterprises, Inc. & Rabanco Companies d/b/a Kent-Meridian Disposal Company, Republic Services of Kent and Allied Waste Services of Kent, from Rick Waldren. (via web portal) |
Initial Filing | 06/14/2019 | Revises Tariff No. 27, on behalf of Fiorito Enterprises, Inc. & Rabanco Companies d/b/a Kent-Meridian Disposal Company, Republic Services of Kent and Allied Waste Services of Kent, from Rick Waldren. (via web portal)
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