Date | File Link | Document Type | Description | File Size |
06/14/2021 | DG-210184;DG-190624-Proof of Service.pdf | Order - Consolidation | Order 02 Denying Mitigation; Consolidating Dockets; Imposing Suspended Penalty; Imposing and Suspending Penalty, in Part | 80,812 KB |
06/14/2021 | DG-210184 and DG-190624 - Order Consolidating Denying Mitigation Imposing and Suspending Penalties - North Sky.pdf | Order - Consolidation | Order 02 Denying Mitigation; Consolidating Dockets; Imposing Suspended Penalty; Imposing and Suspending Penalty, in Part | 133,601 KB |
09/16/2019 | DG-190624 POS.pdf | Order - Other | Order 01 Denying Mitigation; Suspending Penalty, In Part. | 28,973 KB |
09/16/2019 | DG-190624 - Order Granting Mitigation.pdf | Order - Other | Order 01 Denying Mitigation; Suspending Penalty, In Part. | 231,616 KB |
08/07/2019 | DG-190624 - Notice of Penalties - North Sky Communications.pdf | Penalty Assessment | Penalty Assessment Against North Sky Communications, LLC in the Amount of $5,000 for Violations of RCW 19.122.030(6)(c) | 287,410 KB |
08/07/2019 | DG-190624-Proof of Service.pdf | Penalty Assessment | Penalty Assessment Against North Sky Communications, LLC in the Amount of $5,000 for Violations of RCW 19.122.030(6)(c) | 34,549 KB |
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