UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 190706


Document Type Date Description
Document 07/22/2020 Statement of Account noting payment of $500.00, payment in full, subject to conditions set forth in Order 01. (scanned and posted)
Letter 02/06/2020 Collection Letter sent to WA Big Guys Movers, LLC, from Sally Brown.
Letter 01/27/2020 Collection letter sent to WA Big Guys Movers, LLC, from Sally Brown.
Consolidation Order 10/11/2019 Order 01, Consolidating Dockets, Approving Safety Management Plan; Upgrading Safety Rating to Conditional; Imposing and Suspending Penalties.
Letter 10/03/2019 Evaluation of Safety Management Plan and Response to Mitigation Request.
MASTER SERVICE LIST 09/13/2019 Master Service List
Notice of Hearing 09/13/2019 Notice of Intent to Cancel Permit as a Household Goods Carrier Notice of Brief Adjudicative Proceeding; Setting Time for Oral Statements (Set for October 11, 2019, at 9:30 a.m.).