Docket Number | UE-190707 |
Advice | |
Company | Avista Corporation |
DBA | Avista Utilities |
Filing Type | Tariff Revision |
Industry (Code) | Electric (140) |
Status | Closed |
Lead Staff | Snyder, Jennifer (UTC) |
Filed Date | 08/22/2019 |
Effective Date | 11/01/2019 |
Summary | Revises Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 59, to pass through to eligible customers the benefits of the Bonneville Power Administration's Residential Exchange Program. Avista will credit $10.3 million to residential and small farm customers from November 1, 2019, through October 31, 2020. The effect of this filing is a 3.8 percent rate decrease for eligible customers, a decrease of $3.06 in the average monthly bill for the typical electric customer using 918 kilowatt-hours per month. |
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