Document Type | Date | Description |
Confidentiality Agreement | 08/06/2024 | Confidentiality Agreements signed by Crystal Oliver and Kody McConnell, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson |
Exhibit | 04/14/2020 | Exhibit List and Exhibits - Redacted.
Order - Final | 03/20/2020 | Final Order 05 - Redacted. |
Response | 02/28/2020 | Staff's Supplemental Response to Bench Request No. 2, from Joe Dallas. |
Response | 02/20/2020 | Redacted Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Donna Barnett. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/21/2020) |
Document | 02/20/2020 | Redacted Resubmission of Testimony and Exhibits, on behalf of PacifiCorp, from Michael Wilding. (via web portal) |
Response | 02/19/2020 | Response to Bench Request No. 2, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas |
Transcript | 02/14/2020 | Redacted Transcript; Volume 1; February 14, 2020; Pages 1-311. (via email)(hard copies rec'd 2/24/20) |
Document | 02/18/2020 | Redacted Revised Exhibit CLT-2CCr, on behalf of PacifiCorp, from Michael Wilding. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/28/2020) |
Response | 02/18/2020 | Redacted Response to Bench Request No.1, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Donna Barnett. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/19/2020) |
Document | 02/18/2020 | Commission Staff Citations List from Joe Dallas. |
Log | 02/14/2020 | Sign-In Sheet for the Colstrip Outage Investigation- Evidentiary Hearing. |
Document | 02/18/2020 | Transcript Verification; Date: 02/14/2020; Time: 9:50 am-6:33 pm; Pages: 300; Expedited: Yes, due 02/18/2020. (via email) (Billed 04/22/2020) |
Confidentiality Agreement | 02/14/2020 | Confidentiality Agreements signed by Sally Brown, on behalf of Staff, from Sally Brown. |
Confidentiality Agreement | 02/13/2020 | Confidentiality Agreements signed by Ryan Flynn and Marie Durrant, on behalf of PacifiCorp, from Etta Lockey. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement | 02/12/2020 | Company Confidentiality Agreements signed by Nancy Atwood, Susan Free, Jon Piliaris, Rick Rasmussen, Ronald Roberts and Paul Wetherbee, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Donna Barnett. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/13/2020)
Confidentiality Agreement | 02/10/2020 | Confidentiality Agreements signed by Kevin Christie and William Johnson, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Paul Kimball. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/12/2020) |
Document | 02/07/2020 | Proposed Exhibit List, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Paul Kimball. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/10/2020) |
Testimony | 02/07/2020 | Redacted Direct Testimony and Exhibits CLT-1CCTr, CLT-2CCr, CLT-10CCr of Charles L. Tack, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company, from Michael Wilding. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 2/10/20)
Document | 02/07/2020 | Redacted Proposed Cross-Exhibits and Cross-Exhibit List, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company, from Katherine McDowell. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 03/02/2020)
Document | 02/07/2020 | Updated Exhibit List and Cross-Examination Exhibit for Ronald Roberts, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02-07-2020) |
Document | 02/07/2020 | Final Exhibit List, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Donna Barnett. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 2/10/20)
Testimony | 02/07/2020 | Redacted Response Testimony and Exhibits of Ronald Robert, Charles Tack, Tom Dempsey, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02-07-2020)
Confidentiality Agreement | 02/07/2020 | Confidentiality Agreement and Company-Confidential Agreement, signed by Harry Fukano, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas. |
Document | 02/04/2020 | Proposed Exhibit List, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company, from Katherine McDowell. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 02/05/2020) |
Confidentiality Agreement | 01/28/2020 | Confidentiality Agreement and Company-Confidentiality signed by David Nightingale, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas. |
Testimony | 01/24/2020 | Redacted Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Charles L. Tack and Michael G. Wilding, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company. (via web portal) |
Workpapers | 01/24/2020 | Workpapers, Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Charles L. Tack and Michael G. Wilding, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company. (via web portal) |
Document | 01/23/2020 | Preliminary Exhibit List, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Donna Barnett. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 01-31-2020)
Testimony | 01/23/2020 | Redacted Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Charles L. Tack and Michael G. Wilding, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company. (via web portal) |
Testimony | 01/23/2020 | Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Thomas Dempsey, and William Johnson, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement | 01/22/2020 | Confidentiality and Company Confidentiality Agreements signed by Elaine Jordan and Aimee Higby on behalf of Commission Staff from Joe Dallas. |
Workpapers | 01/21/2020 | Workpapers in Support of Response Testimony and Exhibits of Avi Allison, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 1/21/2020)
Document | 01/13/2020 | Proposed Preliminary Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas. |
Testimony | 01/10/2020 | Redacted Confidential/Company-Confidential Response Testimony and Exhibits of Avi Allison, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal)
Testimony | 01/10/2020 | REDACTED Company-Confidential Testimony and Exhibits of David C. Gomez, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas.
Confidentiality Agreement | 01/10/2020 | Company Confidentiality Agreements signed by Stephanie Chase, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Chanda Mak. (via web portal) |
Confidentiality Agreement | 01/08/2020 | Confidentiality and Company Confidentiality Agreements signed by Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas. |
Confidentiality Agreement | 01/08/2020 | Exhibit B and Exhibit D Confidentiality Agreements signed by Jason Ball, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas. |
Confidentiality Agreement | 12/17/2019 | Company Confidentiality Agreements and Confidentiality Agreements signed by Ann Paisner and Thomas Johnson, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Chanda Mak. (via web portal) (hard copies rec'd 12/18/19) |
Testimony | 12/05/2019 | Redacted Company Confidential, Exhibit CLT, on behalf of Pacific Power and Light, from Michael Wilding. (via web portal)
Testimony | 12/05/2019 | Motion and Supplemental Testimony, on behalf of Pacific Power and Light, from Michael Wilding. (via web portal) |
Notice of Hearing | 11/27/2019 | Notice Revising Procedural Schedule and Notice of Hearing (Now Set for February 14, 2020, at 9:30 a.m.) |
Response | 11/27/2019 | Revised Procedural Schedule for Colstrip Investigation, on behalf of Pacific Corp, from Ajay Kumar. (via email) |
Confidentiality Agreement | 11/15/2019 | Company Confidentiality Agreements signed by Ajay Kumar, Katherine McDowell, Etta Lockey, Michael Wilding, Chuck Tack, Dana Ralston, David Webb and Ariel Son, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company, from Etta Lockey. (via web portal)
Confidentiality Agreement | 11/15/2019 | Company Confidentiality Agreements signed by Sheree Strom Carson and Donna Barnett, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Donna Barnett. (via web portal) |
Confidentiality Agreement | 11/15/2019 | Company Confidentiality Agreements signed by Tyler Pepple and Brent Coleman, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal) |
Confidentiality Agreement | 11/06/2019 | Company Confidentiality agreements signed by Mark Vasconi, Chris McGuire, David Gomez and Jing Liu, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas. |
Confidentiality Agreement | 11/05/2019 | Company Confidentiality agreements signed by Joe Dallas and Daniel Teimouri, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas. |
Confidentiality Agreement | 11/05/2019 | Company Confidentiality Agreements signed by Lisa Gafken, Nina Suetake, Chanda Mak, Kevin Burdet, Carla Colamonici, Corey Dahl, Sarah Laycock, Avi Allison, and Rachel Wilson, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Kevin Burdet.(via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 11/6/19)
Order - Other | 11/04/2019 | Order 04 Granting Intervention. |
Testimony - Errata | 11/04/2019 | Erratum to Order 03. |
Notice | 11/01/2019 | Notice of Appearance of David J. Meyer, on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Paul Kimball. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 11-04-19) |
Confidentiality Agreement | 11/01/2019 | Company Confidentiality Agreements signed by David Meyer, Jason Jackson, Tom Dempsey, Darrel Soyars, Pat Ehrbar, Liz Anderews, Annette Brandon and Paul Kimball, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from David Meyer.(via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 11/4/19) |
Notice | 10/31/2019 | Notice of Appearance of Ajay Kumar and Katherine McDowell, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company, from Etta Lockey. (via web portal) |
Order - Prehearing Conference | 10/31/2019 | Order 03 Procedural Order; Notice of Hearing (Set for January 30, 2020 at 9:30 a.m.). |
Confidentiality Agreement | 10/30/2019 | Confidentiality Agreements signed by Mark Vasconi, Chris McGuire, David Gomez and Jing Liu, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas. |
Confidentiality Agreement | 10/30/2019 | Confidentiality Agreements signed by Joe Dallas and Daniel J. Teimouri, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas. |
Notice | 10/29/2019 | Notice of Appearance of Lisa Gafken and Nina Suetake, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Lisa Gafken. (via web portal) |
Testimony - Errata | 10/29/2019 | Errata to Order 06/02/02/01. |
Order - Protective | 10/28/2019 | Order 02 Protective Order with Special Provisions Governing Confidential Information |
MAIN SERVICE LIST | 11/04/2019 | Main Service List |
Notice | 10/28/2019 | Notice of Appearance of Joe M. Dallas and Daniel J. Teimouri, on behalf of Staff, from Joe M. Dallas |
Petition | 10/25/2019 | Petition to Intervene on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers Users from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 10/28/19) |
Order - Other | 10/24/2019 | Order 06/02/02/01 Denying Motion to Sever and Consolidate; Initiating Investigation; Modifying Procedural Schedule; Setting Procedural Schedule. |
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