Docket Number | UW-190894 |
Advice | |
Company | Rainier View Water Company, Inc. |
DBA | |
Filing Type | Contract |
Industry (Code) | Water (160) |
Status | Closed |
Lead Staff | Ward, Jim (UTC) |
Filed Date | 10/25/2019 |
Effective Date | 11/24/2019 |
Summary | Line extension agreement for water distribution main and related operating equipment and appurtenances to provide water service by Mountain Terrace Builders, Inc. to serve a seven (7) ERU development known as Liberty Estates. Costs for the line extension shall be borne by the developer and conveyed to the company following completion. The company serves approximately 18,400 residential and non-residential customers on 26 water systems in Pierce County and on two water systems in Kitsap County. |
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