UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 200029


Document Type Date Description
Document 10/08/2021 Default Judgment Against Defendant from Thurston County Superior Court, Cause No. 21-2-00534-34. (via email)
Letter 10/07/2021 Collection Letter sent to Lugg, Inc. from Sally Brown.
Initial Order 08/25/2020 Order 02 Initial Order Granting Default; Classifying Respondent as a Household Goods Carrier; Ordering Respondent to Cease and Desist; Imposing Penalties.
Transcript 08/05/2020 Transcript; Volume 1; August 05, 2020; Pages 1-48. (via email)
Exhibit 08/10/2020 Exhibit List and Exhibits.
Document 08/07/2020 Transcript Verification; 8/5/2020; Time: 9:30am-10:55pm; Expedited: No. (via email)
Notice 07/28/2020 Notice of Virtual Prehearing Conference (Set for August 5, 2020, at 9:30 a.m.).
Motion 07/09/2020 Motion to Invoke Discovery Rules, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Ann Paisner. (via web portal)
Notice 05/28/2020 Notice of Appearance, on behalf of public counsel, from Ann Paisner. (via web portal)
Report 05/13/2020 Investigative Report
Notice of Hearing 04/29/2020 Order 01, Instituting Special Proceeding; Complaint Seeking to Impose Penalties; and Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for August 5, 2020, at 9:30 a.m.)