UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 200074


Filter by document type: All | Letter | MASTER SERVICE LIST | Other Order | Petition
Document Type Date Description
MASTER SERVICE LIST 02/26/2020 Master Service List
Other Order 02/26/2020 Order 01, Granting Petition to Modify Warning Devices at a Public Highway-Rail Grade Crossing at State Route 397 in Kennewick; USDOT 808925X
Petition 02/18/2020 Revised petition, including signed waiver.
Letter 02/04/2020 Letter from Kathy Hunter to Paul Didelius at KET LLC regarding petition.
Petition 02/03/2020 Petition to Modify Warning Devices at a highway-rail grade crossing on SR-397, identified as USDOT 808925X, on behalf of Washington State Department of Transportation.