Document Type | Date | Description |
Letter - Compliance Acknowledgment | 05/09/2022 | Compliance Acknowledgment Letter Waiving Suspended Penalty and Closing Docket. |
Letter - Compliance Acknowledgment | 04/28/2022 | Staff recommendation to waive suspended penalty. |
Document | 10/08/2020 | Statement of Account noting payment of $200.00, penalty paid in full. (scanned and posted) |
Consolidation Order | 04/10/2020 | Order 01, Consolidating Dockets; Approving Safety Management Plan; Upgrading Safety Rating; Imposing and Suspending Penalties. |
Certified Card | 04/01/2020 | Signed certified card addressed to Backbreakers NW, LLC, P.O. Box 521, Freeland WA 98249, which delivered Penalty Assessment dated 3-16-20. (scanned & posted)
Letter | 04/01/2020 | Staff evaluation of safety management plan, recommendations regarding the company's safety rating, and the cancellation of the household goods operating authority. |
Application | 03/18/2020 | Application for Mitigation, on behalf of Backbreakers NW, LLC, from Jeffrey Hansen. (via web portal) |
Assessment Order | 03/16/2020 | Penalty Assessment Against Backbreakers NW, LLC, in the Amount of $900 for Violations of WAC 480-15. |
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