UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UE - 200331


Filter by document type: All | Comment | Compliance | Final Order | Initial Filing | Open Meeting Memo
Document Type Date Description
Comment 04/09/2020 Comments, on behalf the NW Energy Coalition (NWEC), from Wendy Gerlitz and Joni Bosh. (via web portal)
Comment 04/09/2020 Comments regarding Open Meeting Agenda Items: A4, A5, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Shawn Collins. (via web portal)
Comment 04/09/2020 Comments, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Corey Dahl. (via web portal)
Comment 04/07/2020 Comments regarding Investor Owned Utilities’ Low-income Energy Assistance Programs Emergency Responses to COVID-19, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Shawn Collins. (via web portal)