Document Type | Date | Description |
Consolidation Order | 08/27/2020 | Order 01 Consolidating Dockets; Denying Request to File Reply and Notice of Virtual Hearing on Motion to Dismiss (set for September 11, 2020, at 10:30 a.m.) |
Reply | 08/24/2020 | Response to Motion for Leave to File Reply, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc., from Blair Fassburg. (via web portal) |
Response | 08/21/2020 | Response to Motion to Dismiss, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Jessica Goldman. (via web portal)
Reply | 08/20/2020 | Response to Motion to Dismiss, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc., from Blair Fassburg. (via web portal) |
Motion | 08/06/2020 | Notice of Errata and Corrected Motion to Dismiss, on behalf of Waste Management of Washington, Inc. and Waste Management Disposal Service of Oregon, from Jessica Goldman. (via web portal) |
Notice | 08/06/2020 | Notice of Opportunity to Respond (Due by August 20, 2020) |
08/06/2020 | Email regarding Motion to Dismiss, from Andrew O'Connell. (via email) | |
Motion | 08/04/2020 | Motion to Dismiss, on behalf of Waste Management of Washington, Inc., Waste Management Disposal Services of Oregon and Daniel Anderson Trucking and Excavation, LLC, from Jessica Goldman. (via web portal) |
Reply | 08/04/2020 | Answer to Murrey"s Disposal Company, Inc.'s Complaint, on behalf of Waste Management of Washington, Inc. and Waste Management Disposal Services of Oregon, from Jessica Goldman. (via email) |
Reply | 08/04/2020 | Answer to Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc.'s Complaint, on behalf of Daniel Anderson Trucking and Excavation, LLC, from Jessica Goldman. (via email) |
Notice | 08/04/2020 | Notice of Appearance of Jessica Goldman and Jesse Taylor, on behalf of Daniel Anderson Trucking and Excavation, LLC, from Jessica Goldman. (via email) |
Notice | 07/27/2020 | Notice of Appearance of Andrew Kenefick, on behalf of Waste Management of Washington, Inc and Waste Management Disposal Services of Oregon, Inc., from Andrew Kenefick. (via web portal) |
Document | 07/20/2020 | Notice of Appearance of Respondent Waste Management of Washington, Inc. and Waste Management Disposal Services of Oregon, Inc., , on behalf of Summit Law Group, PLLC, from Jessica Goldman. (via web portal) |
07/15/2020 | Acknowledgement of Receipt of Formal Complaint, on behalf of Waste Management of Washington, Inc., and Waste Management Disposal of Oregon, Inc., from Andrew Kenefick. (via email) | |
Initial Filing | 07/15/2020 | Formal Complaint, on behalf of Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. d/b/a Olympic Disposal, from Blair Fassburg. (via web portal)
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