Document Type | Date | Description |
Document | 10/13/2020 | Statement of Account noting payment of $100.00, payment in full. (scanned & posted) |
Document | 10/08/2020 | Notice of Payment of Penalty, on behalf of Vincent Carroll, LLC d/b/a Vincent Pro Moving, from Vincent Carroll. (via email) |
Assessment Order | 10/06/2020 | Penalty Assessment Against Vincent Carroll, LLC, in the Amount of $100 for Violation of WAC 480-15-555. |
Initial Order | 09/01/2020 | Order 01 Canceling Brief Adjudicative Proceeding; Withdrawing Penalty |
Motion | 08/27/2020 | Motion to Cancel BAP and Motion to Dismiss, on behalf of Staff, from Joe Dallas. |
Application | 07/23/2020 | Application for Mitigation, on behalf of Vincent Carroll, LLC d/b/a Vincent Pro Moving, from Vincent Carroll. (via email) |
Assessment Order | 07/20/2020 | Penalty Assessment Against Vincent Carroll, LLC, in the Amount of $5,200 for Violations of WAC 480-15. |
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