UTC Case Docket Orders

Filing TV - 210100

Date File Link Document Type Description File Size
05/21/2021 47939 - C and N.permit.pdf Delegated Letter Letter Granting Temporary Authority, Subject to Conditions, Pending Decision on Permanent Authority and Permit THG-069696 Granting. 133,262 KB
05/21/2021 TV-210100-Proof of Service.pdf Delegated Letter Letter Granting Temporary Authority, Subject to Conditions, Pending Decision on Permanent Authority and Permit THG-069696 Granting. 28,611 KB
05/21/2021 47939 - C and N.letter.pdf Delegated Letter Letter Granting Temporary Authority, Subject to Conditions, Pending Decision on Permanent Authority and Permit THG-069696 Granting. 174,063 KB