Document Type | Date | Description |
Document | 09/15/2023 | Statement of Account noting payment of $700.00. Penalty paid in full. (scanned and posted) |
Letter | 09/15/2023 | Letter Imposing Suspended Penalty. |
Letter - Staff Compliance Response | 09/01/2023 | Staff recommendation to impose suspended penalty. |
Order - Other | 06/14/2021 | Order 01 Granting Mitigation to $1,400; Imposing and Suspending Penalties Subject to Conditions. |
Letter - Staff Compliance Response | 05/25/2021 | Staff Response to Mitigation Request - Americam Movers LLC. |
Application | 05/17/2021 | Application for Mitigation of Penalties, on behalf of American Movers LLC, from Camano Gahagan. (via email) |
Penalty Assessment | 05/04/2021 | Penalty Assessment Against Americam Movers, LLC, in the Amount of $2,800 for Violations of WAC 480-15. |
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