UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 220015


Document Type Date Description
Document 03/10/2022 Statement of Account, noting payment of $200.00,payment in full, subject to the conditions set forth in Order 01. (scanned & posted)
Order - Initial 02/25/2022 Order 01 Canceling Hearing; Approving Safety Management Plan; Maintaining Safety Rating; Imposing and Suspending Penalties
Letter - Staff Compliance Response 02/24/2022 Staff evaluation of safety management plan.
Response 02/23/2022 Bigfoot Moving Service LLC response to penalty assessment, from Maurice Boulton (via email)
Exhibit - List 02/22/2022 Exhibit List on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan.
Penalty Assessment 01/26/2022 Penalty Assessment Against Bigfoot Moving Service LLC in the Amount of $4,200 for Violations of WAC 480-15.
Notice of Hearing 01/19/2022 Notice of Intent to Cancel Notice of Brief Adjudicative Proceeding; Setting Time for Oral statements (Set for March 1, 2022, at 9:30 a.m.).
MASTER SERVICE LIST 01/07/2022 Master Service List