UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 220303


Document Type Date Description
Document 10/06/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $2,8500.00, payment in full. (scanned & posted)
Document 07/07/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $2,000.00. Balance remaining $2,850.00. (scanned and posted)
Document 01/13/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $2,000.00, balance remaining $6,850.00. (scanned & posted)
Document 10/14/2022 Statement of Account noting payment of $2,000.00, balance remaining $8,850.00. (scanned and posted)
Order - Other 08/29/2022 Order 03 Granting Payment Arrangement.
Response 08/03/2022 Staff Response to Request for Payment Arrangement.
Order - Adjudication Final 08/01/2022 Order 02 Final Order Denying Petition for Administrative Review.
Response 06/23/2022 Staff Response to Request for Review.
Letter 06/21/2022 Mitigation follow up, on behalf of PMS Moving, from John Lutz. (via email)
Order - Other 06/09/2022 Order 01 Granting Mitigation to 420,850; Imposing and Suspending Penalties Subject to Conditions.
Response 05/19/2022 Staff Response to Application for Mitigation of Penalties.
Application 05/13/2022 Application for Mitigation, on behalf of PMC Moving, LLC, from John Lutz. (via email)
Penalty Assessment 05/09/2022 Penalty Assessment Against PMC Moving, LLC, in the Amount of $41,400 for Violations of WAC 480-15.