UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing TV - 220587


Filter by document type: All | Document | Order - Complaint | Order - Initial | Report
Document Type Date Description
Document 09/08/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $100.00, payment in full, subject to the conditions set forth in Order 02. (scanned and posted)
Document 07/24/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $100.00, balance remaining $100.00. (scanned and posted)
Document 06/23/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $100.00, balance remaining $200.00. (scanned & posted)
Document 05/19/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $100.00, balance remaining $300.00. (scanned & posted)
Document 03/31/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $100.00, balance remaining $400.00. (scanned & posted)
Document 03/31/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $100.00, balance remaining $500.00. (scanned & posted)
Document 02/17/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $100.00, balance remaining $600.00. (scanned & posted)
Document 01/20/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $100.00, balance remaining $700.00. (scanned & posted)
Document 12/23/2022 Statement of Account noting payment of $100.00, balance remaining $800.00. (scanned & posted)
Document 12/07/2022 Statement of Account noting payment of $100.00, balance remaining $900.00. (scanned & posted)