Docket Number | TG-220619 |
Advice | |
Company | Rubatino Refuse Removal LLC |
DBA | Rubatino Refuse Removal |
Filing Type | Tariff Revision |
Industry (Code) | Solid Waste (227) |
Status | Pending |
Lead Staff | Simmons, Jaclynn (UTC) |
Filed Date | 08/16/2022 |
Effective Date | 09/01/2022 |
Summary | Less than Statutory Notice of tariff revision for passthrough disposal fee increase by Cedar Grove Composting that became effective August 1, 2022. This per ton cost is Increasing from $70.85 to $75.41 or 6.4 percent. This Company serves approximately 28,000 residential customers in Snohomish County. |
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