Resource Adequacy in Washington State


Heather Moline


Payton Swinford

The UTC and the Washington State Department of Commerce co-host resource adequacy meetings to help ensure Washington has a reliable and affordable electricity supply.

Resource adequacy means having enough electricity available to meet customer needs at all times, even during extreme weather. The UTC and Commerce bring together utilities, regional planners, other experts, and the public to discuss how to plan for future electricity demand, improve coordination, and make sure the state has the power it needs.

State law (RCW 19.280.065) requires the UTC and Commerce to hold at least one of these meetings every year. Topics include electricity demand and supply, how utilities are working together to keep the grid reliable, and steps being taken to prepare for the future. A summary of each meeting is sent to the governor and Legislature within 60 days.

Upcoming Meetings

Information on upcoming resource adequacy meetings, including dates, times, and agenda, will be posted here as they become available.

Meeting Materials and Presentations

Materials from past and upcoming meetings, including presentations, reports, and supporting documents, can be accessed below:

2024 Meeting Resources

Past Meeting Resources

Meeting Recordings

A recording of the most recent resource adequacy meeting is available below, in addition to within the docket housing these meetings, UE-210096:

Video URL

Washington’s Resource Adequacy Efforts

Washington’s electricity system is undergoing significant changes as the state transitions to 100% clean energy under the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA). The UTC and Commerce play a critical role in ensuring that utilities can provide sufficient electricity while meeting clean energy mandates.

For more details about resource adequacy efforts in Washington state, visit the Commerce Resource Adequacy page.