Document Type | Date | Description |
Document | 09/29/2022 | Approved Tariff Pages (Previous Docket TG-220437).
Order - Open Meeting Final | 09/29/2022 | Order 01 Granting Exemption from Rule; Granting Less Than Statutory Notice; Allowing Tariff Revision.
Letter | 09/22/2022 | Request for Exemption from WAC 480-70-271, on behalf of Trilogy MedWaste West, LLC, from Dave Wiley. (via web portal) |
Letter | 09/14/2022 | Request to Extend the filing to the September 29, 2022 Open Meeting, on behalf of Trilogy MedWaste West, LLC, from Weldon Burton. (via web portal) |
Initial Filing | 08/24/2022 | Revises Tariff No. 3, on behalf of Trilogy MedWaste West, LLC, from Weldon Burton. (via web portal) |
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