Filing UT - 220875
Company: 321 Communications, Inc., American Telecommunications Systems, Inc., Axxis Communications, Inc., BetterWorld Telecom, LLC, CSS Integration, Inc., Deploycom Northern Corridor LLC, Eastern Oregon Telecom, Eltopia Communications, LLC, EV Holdings 1 LLC, FairPoint Business Services LLC, Fiber Connect Washington, LLC, Group Six Communications, LLC, Integrated Services, Inc., LCR Telecommunications, L.L.C., Local Access LLC, MasTec Network Solutions INC, Master Call Connections, LLC, Noel Communications, Inc., Norstar Telecommunications, LLC, NTT America, Inc., NW Fiber, LLC, OlyPen, Inc., Pacific Carriage Limited, Silv Communication Inc., Starlink Services, LLC, Syringa Networks, LLC, Telefonica USA, Inc., TSS Digital Services, Inc., VERTEX TELECOM, INC., Voice Ring, Inc., CATTCOMM LLC, Great America Networks, Inc.
DBA: BetterWorld Telecom, CSS Communications, EOT, Desert Winds Wireless, Fiber Connect, LLC, Integrated Services of Nevada, Inc., VOIP Origination LLC, Northwest Fiber, Joon, Native Network
Filing Type: Staff Investigation
Case Status: Closed
Dates (Opened & Effective): 11/29/2022 & 01/08/2025
Summary: Complaint of intent to revoke competitively classified telecommunications company registration for failure to file an annual report and/or pay required regulatory fees and opportunity to request a hearing.