UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UE - 230482


Document Type Date Description
Comment 06/14/2024 Offer of Public Comment Exhibit, Bench Request No. 1 with UTC Staff Database Matrix, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Transcript 05/14/2024 Transcript; Volume 2; May 14, 2024; Pages 24-33. (via email)
Confidentiality Agreement 06/06/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jaclynn Simmons, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss.
Exhibit - Proposed 06/03/2024 Exhibit BGM-2, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette Moller.
Notice - Appearance 06/03/2024 Notice of Appearance of Jessica Johanson-Kubin and Rob Sykes, Confidentiality Agreement Exhibits A, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Tad O’Neill.
Agreement 06/03/2024 Stipulation Concerning the Cross-Examination Testimony of Wesley Yeomans, on behalf of Staff and Public Counsel, from Jeff Roberson
Exhibit - List 05/31/2024 Redacted Revised Exhibit List and Cross-Examination Exhibits for John D. Wilson and Bradley G. Mullins, on behalf of PacifiCorp, d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Adam Lowney.
Exhibit - List 05/29/2024 Revised Redacted Exhibits List and Proposed Cross-Examination Exhibits of Wesley Yeomans, Ramon J. Mitchell, Michael G. Wilding, John M. Fritz, Douglas R. Staples, and Jack Painter, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/30/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Skylar Sumner, on behalf of PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Cole Albee.
Exhibit - List 05/28/2024 Redacted Exhibits List and Proposed Cross-Examination Exhibits of Wesley Yeomans, Ramon J. Mitchell, Michael G. Wilding, John M. Fritz, Douglas R. Staples, and Jack Painter, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Exhibit - List 05/29/2024 Redacted Exhibit List and Redacted Cross-Examination Exhibits, on behalf of The Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette M Moller.
Testimony 05/28/2024 Revised Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Wilding, on behalf of PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Adam Lowney.
Testimony 05/28/2024 Redacted Cross-Examination Exhibits of John Wilson and Bradley Mullins, on behalf of PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Adam Lowney.
Exhibit - Proposed 05/28/2024 Cross-Exhibits and Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Response 05/24/2024 Redacted Response to Staff’s Motion in Limine to Exclude the Rebuttal Testimony of Douglas R. Staples, on behalf of PacifiCorp, d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Adam Lowney.
Notice - Appearance 05/20/2024 Notice of Appearance of Adam Lowney on behalf of PacifiCorp, from Adam Lowney.
Notice - Appearance 05/17/2024 Notice of appearance of Daniel Teimouri and Ajay Kumar, on behalf of PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Matthew McVee.
Motion 05/17/2024 Motion in Limine, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss.
Motion 05/09/2024 Redacted Motion to Allow Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony of Douglas Staples, on behalf of PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Matthew McVee.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/09/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jackson Lone, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss
Document 05/07/2024 Request to Update Service List, on behalf The Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette Moller.
Order - Other 05/03/2024 Order 06 Approving Proposed Budget and Fund Grant.
Order - Other 05/03/2024 Order 05 Granting Request for Case Certification
Testimony 05/02/2024 Redacted Cross-Answering Testimony and Exhibit List of Robert Earle, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Tad O'Neill.
Testimony 05/02/2024 Redacted Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits, on behalf of PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Matthew McVee.
Testimony 05/02/2024 Cross-Answering Testimony of Bradley G. Mullins, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette Moller.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/26/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Adam Lowney, on behalf of PacifiCorp, d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Adam Lowney.
Agreement 04/26/2024 Agreement Concerning Confidential Information, on behalf of PacifiCorp, d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Adam Lowney.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/26/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Nannette Moller, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette Moller.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/15/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jean Marie Dreyer and Stefan de Villiers, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Notice of Hearing 04/10/2024 Notice of Virtual Public Comment Hearing (Set for Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 6 p.m.)
Testimony 04/05/2024 Redacted Revised Testimony of Bradley Mullins, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch.
Testimony 03/27/2024 Redacted Response Testimony, Exhibits and Workpapers of Bradley G. Mullins, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch.
Testimony 03/28/2024 Response Testimony and Exhibits of Robert Earle and Workpapers, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Tad O'Neill.
Testimony 03/28/2024 Redacted Testimony, Exhibits and Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Notice 02/28/2024 Second Customer Notice, on behalf of PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Matthew McVee.
Document 02/14/2024 Proposed Budget for Fund Grant, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch.
Petition 02/14/2024 Petition for Case Certification and Notice of Intent to Request Fund Grant, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch.
Motion 02/14/2024 Motion for Partial Waiver of Timing Requirement, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch.
Transcript 01/09/2024 Transcript; Volume 1; January 09, 2024; Pages 1-22.
Confidentiality Agreement 02/02/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Corey Dahl, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Notice 01/30/2024 Notice of Substitution, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Confidentiality Agreement 01/26/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Tyler C. Pepple, Sommer J. Moser, Jesse O. Gorsuch, and Bradley G. Mullins, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch.
Confidentiality Agreement 01/26/2024 Protective Order Confidentiality Agreements signed by Tad Robinson, Roman Doyonnas, and Brice Hartman on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Confidentiality Agreement 01/26/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Wesley Yeomans, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss
Confidentiality Agreement 01/25/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Jeff Roberson, Josephine Strauss, John D. Wilson, Crystal Oliver, Keith Quinata, Neiri Carrasco and Jacque Hawkins-Jones, from Josephine Strauss.
Notice - Errata 01/24/2024 Notice of Errata to Order 03.
Order - Protective 01/23/2024 Order 04 Protective Order.
Order - Prehearing Conference 01/23/2024 Prehearing Conference Order 03; Notice of Hearing (Evidentiary Hearing set for June 4, 2024, at 9 a.m.).
Notice of Hearing 11/28/2023 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for January 9, 2024, at 2 p.m.).
Notice - Errata 11/27/2023 Second Errata to Order 01.
Notice - Errata 11/22/2023 Notice of Errata to Order 01.
Order - Open Meeting Final 11/22/2023 Order 01, Approving Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism Annual Report and Extension of Amortization Period; Granting Leave to Reply; Denying Petition for Adjudication.
Open Meeting Memo 11/22/2023 Open Meeting Memo for the November 22, 2023 Open Meeting.
Order - Other 11/13/2023 Order 02 Granting Continuance: Granting Exemption.
Compliance 11/07/2023 Motion to File a Reply and Reply, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Anna Congdon. (via web portal)
Motion 11/02/2023 2nd Motion for Continuance, on behalf of Staff, by Josephine Strauss.
Response 10/30/2023 Response to the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers' Petition, on behalf of PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Matthew McVee. (via web portal)
Response 10/11/2023 Response to Commission Staff’s Motion for Continuance, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Ann N.H. Paisner. (via web portal
Order - Other 10/11/2023 Order 01, Granting Continuance; Granting Exemption
Petition 10/10/2023 Petition for Adjudication, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch. (via email)
Motion 10/06/2023 Motion for Continuance, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson
Notice - Appearance 10/06/2023 Notice of Appearance for Jeff Roberson and Josephine Strauss, on behalf of Staff, from Jeff Roberson.
Notice - Appearance 10/04/2023 Notice of Appearance on behalf of Public Counsel, from Ann Paisner. (via web portal)
Compliance 07/18/2023 Customer Notice of rate change, on behalf of Pacific Power & Light Company, from Matthew McVee. (via web portal)
Petition 06/27/2023 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch. (via web portal)
Initial Filing 06/15/2023 Redacted Petition to Extend the Amortization of the PCAM Surcharge, on behalf of PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company, from Matthew McVee. (via web portal)