UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing D - 230586


Document Type Date Description
Document 09/09/2024 Company complied with conditions set forth in Penalty Assessment. Suspended $800 is now waived.
Letter - Compliance Acknowledgment 09/04/2024 Compliance Acknowledgement Letter Waiving Suspended Penalty and Closing Docket.
Letter - Compliance Acknowledgment 08/30/2024 Staff Compliance Response
Document 08/15/2023 Statement of Account noting payment of $200.00, balance remaining $800.00. (scanned and posted)
Penalty Assessment 08/02/2023 Penalty Assessment Against Bob' s Septic in the Amount of $1,000 for Violation of RCW 19.122.030(2).
Initial Filing 07/11/2023 Complaint Case 23-001 against Bob Olin, d/b/a Bob’s Septic, on behalf of Lindsay Hood. (via email)