UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TS - 230613


Document Type Date Description
Transcript 02/27/2024 Transcript; Volume 1; February 27, 2024; Pages 1-44. (via email)
Order - Other 03/20/2024 Order 02 Granting Motion for Clarification; Errata Order Correcting Order 01.
Motion 03/14/2024 Motion for Clarification, on behalf of Staff, by Josephine Strauss.
Order - Other 03/12/2024 Order Cancelling Certificate.
Exhibit - List 02/20/2024 Exhibit List and proposed Exhibits, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss
Notice of Hearing 02/02/2024 Notice of Brief Adjudicative Proceeding Setting Time for Oral Statements (Set for February 27, 2024, at 1:30 p.m.)
MAIN SERVICE LIST 02/01/2024 Main Service List
Notice - Appearance 02/01/2024 Notice of Appearance, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss
Letter 01/29/2024 Request for a hearing to avoid cancellation, on behalf of Lake Union Ferry Company, LLC, from David Stroble.
Notice 01/02/2024 Notice of Intent to Cancel Commercial Ferry Certificate Pursuant to WAC 480-51-150(1)(d).
Notice 11/08/2023 Notice of Intent to Cancel Commercial Ferry Certificate Pursuant to WAC 480-51-150(1)(d).
Notice 09/14/2023 Notice of Intent to Cancel Commercial Ferry Certificate Pursuant to WAC 480-51-150(1)(d).
Notice 07/27/2023 Notice of Intent to Cancel Commercial Ferry Certificate and Notice of Opportunity to Request a Hearing (By August, 28, 2023).