Summary: Revises Tariff WN U-60 to implement changes to rates under the established Property Tax Tracker, as provided in the Commission's Order 07 (Final Order Granting Petition) in Dockets UE-121697 and UG-121705 (consolidated) and the Commission's Order 07 (Final Order Authorizing Rates) in Dockets UE-130137 and UG-130138 (consolidated) (Order 07) and the Commission’s Final Order Settlement Stipulation and Agreement in Dockets UE-220066, UG-220067, and UG-210918 (consolidated). Schedule 140 includes a mechanism for adjusting rates annually, both up and down; to pass through the costs of property taxes consistent with the amounts the Company pays. A typical residential customer using 800 kWh per month would experience a $0.81 decrease or 0.74 percent decrease in their monthly bill.