UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TG - 240584


Document Type Date Description
Confidentiality Agreement 12/20/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Ame Lewis, Walker Stanovsky, and Caroline Cilek, on behalf of Waste Management of Washington, Inc., from Walker Stanovsky.
Letter 12/17/2024 Settlement Conference Letter, on behalf of Washington Refuse & Recycle Association, from Rod Whittaker.
Confidentiality Agreement 12/17/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Jessica Johanson-Kubin, Robert Sykes, Tad Robinson O'Neill, Brice Hartman, Roman Doyonnas, Jean Marie Dreyer and Stefan de Villiers, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Letter 12/17/2024 Letter regarding procedural schedule, on behalf of DTG Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a DTG Recycle, from David Steele.
Letter 12/17/2024 Letter regarding procedural schedule, on behalf of Staff, from Lisa Gafken.
Confidentiality Agreement 12/13/2024 Confidentiality Agreement of Rod Whittaker, on behalf of The Washington Refuse and Recycling Association, from Rod Whittaker.
Confidentiality Agreement 12/17/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Mike Young, on behalf of Staff, from Lisa Gafken.
Notice - Appearance 12/16/2024 Notice of Appearance and Substitution of Counsel of David A. Perez, David S. Steele, and Jonathan P. Hawley, on behalf of DTG Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a DTG Recycle, from David Perez.
Exhibit - Proposed 12/11/2024 Exhibit A to Protective Order 02, on behalf of DTG Enterprises d/b/a DTG Recycle, from Reid Johnson.
Transcript 10/30/2024 Transcript; Volume 1; October 30, 2024; Pages 1-35.
Confidentiality Agreement 12/11/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Lisa Gafken, Patrick Remfrey and Elaina Young, on behalf of Staff, from Lisa Gafken
Exhibit - Proposed 12/06/2024 Exhibit A to Protective Order 02 Signed by David Wiley and Michael Howard, on behalf of Protestants, from David Wiley.
Order - Protective 12/06/2024 Order 02 Protective Order.
Order - Prehearing Conference 12/05/2024 Order 01 Prehearing Conference Order.
Notice - Appearance 11/15/2024 Notice of Appearance of Caroline Cilek, on behalf of Waste Management of Washington, Inc. from Walker Stanovsky.
Notice - Appearance 10/30/2024 Notice Of Appearance of Tad Robinson O’Neill, Jessica Johanson-Kubin and Robert D. Sykes, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Bryce Hartman.
Notice - Appearance 10/28/2024 Notice of Appearance of David Wiley and Michael Howard, on behalf of Sanitary Service Company, Inc., The Waste Connections Companies, Basin Disposal, Inc.; Basin Disposal of Yakima, LLC; Basin Disposal of Washington, LLC d/b/a Basin Disposal of Walla Walla; and Ed's Disposal, Inc., Rabanco LTD and Kent-Meridian Disposal Co. and Bainbridge Disposal, Inc., from David Wiley.
Notice - Appearance 10/25/2024 Notice of Appearance of Reid Johnson, on behalf of Torre Refuse Recycling LLC d/b/a Sunshine Disposal & Recycling, from Fiona Spring.
Notice - Appearance 10/25/2024 Notice of Appearance of Reid Johnson, on behalf of Rubatino Refuse Removal, LLC, from Fiona Spring.
Notice - Appearance 10/23/2024 Notice of Appearance of Donna Barnett and Becca Human, on behalf of DTG Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a DTG Recycle, from Donna Barnett.
Notice of Hearing 10/21/2024 Notice of Virtual Prehearing Conference (Set for October 30, 2024, at 1:30 p.m.)
Protest 09/26/2024 Protest of Solid Waste Certificate Application, on behalf of Rubatino Refuse Removal LLC, from Reid Johnson.
Protest 09/26/2024 Protest of Solid Waste Certificate Application, on behalf of Waste Management of Washington Inc. from Walker Stanovsky.
Notice - Appearance 09/27/2024 Notice of Appearance of Lisa Gafken, on behalf of Staff, from Lisa Gafken.
Application 09/27/2024 Addendum to Application.
Protest 09/26/2024 Protest of Solid Waste Certificate Application, on behalf of Torre Refuse Recycling LLC, d/b/a Sunshine Disposal & Recycling from REID G. JOHNSON.
Protest 09/26/2024 Protest of Solid Waste Certificate Application, on behalf of Rabanco Ltd. and Kent-Meridian Disposal Company, from David Wiley.
Comment 09/25/2024 Comments, on behalf of Friends of Rocky Top, from Anita Gallagher. (via email)
Protest 09/25/2024 Protest of Solid Waste Certificate Application, on behalf of Bainbridge Disposal, Inc., from David Wiley.
MAIN SERVICE LIST 12/16/2024 Main Service List
Notice - Appearance 09/25/2024 Notice of Appearance of Rod Whittaker, on behalf of Washington Refuse and Recycling Association, from Rod Whittaker.
Protest 09/25/2024 Protest of Solid Waste Certificate Application, on behalf of Basin Disposal, Inc., from David Wiley.
Protest 09/24/2024 Protest of Solid Waste Certificate Application, on behalf of Waste Connections of Washington, Inc. from David Wiley.
Protest 09/24/2024 Protest of Solid Waste Certificate Application, on behalf of Sanitary Service Company, Inc., from David Wiley.
Notice 08/27/2024 DTG Enterprises Inc Notice of Application.
Application 08/08/2024 Replacement of correct DTG Enterprises Inc Application for Solid Waste Certificate.
Application 08/05/2024 DTG Enterprises Inc Supplemental Solid Waste Application Documents.
Letter 08/05/2024 DTG Enterprises Inc Solid Waste Application Cover Letter.
Application 08/05/2024 DTG Enterprises Inc Application for Solid Waste Certificate.