UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 240739


Document Type Date Description
Order - Open Meeting Final 12/19/2024 Order 01 Granting Petition for Designation as a Lifeline-Only Eligible Telecommunications Carrier and Exemption from WAC 480-123-030(1)(d).
Amendment 11/22/2024 Redacted Amended Petition and Exhibits, on behalf of Ziply Fiber Pacific, LLC d/b/a Ziply Fiber, from Jessica Epley.
Compliance 10/08/2024 Redacted BDC Part A Network Availability, on behalf of Ziply Fiber Pacific, LLC, from Jessica Epley.
Initial Filing 10/02/2024 Petition for designation as an Eligible Telecommunication Carrier, on behalf of Ziply Fiber Pacific, LLC d/b/a Ziply Fiber, from Jessica Epley.