UTC Company Details

K&C Hauling and Services LLC

Basic Information

UTC IDCompany NameUBIDBA(s)Industries (code)Status
50067 K&C Hauling and Services LLC 605370213 Solid Waste (227)
Motor Freight Carrier (200)

Company Contacts

Contact TypeNameTitlePhoneFaxEmail
Primary Kyle Bean 425-292-6765 kchaulingandservices@gmail.com

Company Address

Address TypeAddress
Physical Address 1710 122nd Ave SE, Lake Stevens, WA 98258
Mailing Address P.O. Box 902, Lake Stevens, WA 98258

Permits / Industry

CodeIndustryStatusUSDOTActive Permit(s)Perm or Temp
200 Motor Freight Carrier Active N/A CC071295 Permanent